Calculation Policies KS2
Objectives 1. Understand the difference between each year group expectations. 2. Understand the progression of skills and 3. Consider giving children the freedom to select the most appropriate method.
Addition (Year 3) Extended column method for addition… Number line to add 2 digit number, partitioned into tens and ones. Extended column method for addition…
Compact column method for addition Addition (Year 4) Compact column method for addition
Addition (Year 5)
Addition (Year 6 ) Children can fill empty columns with zeros, acting as a place holder.
Subtraction (Year 3) Finding the ‘difference’ between numbers by counting up…
Subtraction (Year 4) 845 – 798=
Subtraction (Year 4) 845 – 798=
Subtraction (Year 5) Subtracting decimals with more than one decimal place and with differing numbers of digits.
Subtraction (Year 6) Children continue to: 1. Find difference between numbers mentally through use of a number line. 2. Use the inverse operation to check calculations. 3. Use the column subtraction method with increasingly complex calculations and questions presented in context.
Multiplication (Year 3) 13 x 3 = 10 x 3 = 30 3 x 3 = 9 30 + 9 = 39
Multiplication (Year 3)
Multiplication (Year 4) ‘Multiply a 2 or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number…
Multiplication (Year 4)
Multiplication (Year 5)
Multiplication (Year 6)
Division (Year 3) How many 3s in 39?
Division (Year 4) Number line that includes remainders Short division method but with NO remainders
Division (Year 5) 964 people went to a baseball stadium, each row could seat 7 people. How many rows were needed altogether? 138 rows as 137 rows would mean 5 people wouldn’t have a seat!
Division (Year 6)
What can we do to support our children? Secure with times tables (up to 12 x 12 by end of year 4). Expose children to missing number problems ___ x 6 = 18 18 = ___ x 6 Expose children to alternative vocabulary. Example: Addition = add, altogether, combine. Help understand the commutative law: 2x 6 = 12 which is the same as 6 x 2 =12 Help understand the inverse operation: 2x 6 =12, therefore 12 ÷ 2 = 6 and 12 ÷ 6 = 2