House vs Senate
Structure of the House VERY Hierarchical—definite chain of command Very strict rules- limits on time for debate, rules on amendments 435 members- large body Develop specialization of knowledge from working on their committees
Structure of the Senate Loosely structured—majority & minority parties share power—no strict chain of command Looser rules- no time limit on debate, no rules on amendments Smaller Body-100 members Not as much specialization- serve on more committees & sub-committees
Leadership House Senate Speaker Majority & Minority Maj. Leader Leaders Maj. Whip Maj. & Minority min.leader Whips min. whip
What the Constitution Says about the House 2 year term Must be 25 years old Initiate revenue bills Power of Impeachment Elect President if no one receives 270 electoral votes
What the Constitution says about the Senate 6 yr term Must be 30 years old Approval Power Try impeachment cases Elect VP if no one receives 270 electoral votes
House Rules Amendments must be relevant to the bill Rules committee- Majority Party has a 2 to 1 majority Use of Discharge Petitions Limit on floor debates
Rules of the Senate Offer any amendment to any bill Filibuster – “talk a bill to death” Holds on nominations