UNIT TESTING TOOLS Workshop on Integrating Software Testing into Programming Courses WISTPC-09 : Session A UNIT TESTING TOOLS 03.16.2009 Tariq M. King PhD Candidate Florida International University
Categories of Testing Black Box White Box Based mainly on the specification of what the program under test is supposed to do Tester uses no knowledge of the internal workings of the program White Box Determines testing in terms of whether the program under test has been thoroughly exercised Tester uses knowledge of the source code
Levels of Testing Unit Integration System Tests the basic units of the software in isolation Integration Tests the interactions between software units System Tests the software system as a whole
Today’s Hands-On Agenda Part 1: JUnit 4 Unit Testing Framework for Java Automatic Test Runs / Result Checking De-facto Standard, Eclipse Integration Part 2: EclEmma Code Coverage Tool for Java Highlights Statement Coverage Works with JUnit in Eclipse