Update on ESS Construction Project Charge to the SANS STAP


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Presentation transcript:

Update on ESS Construction Project Charge to the SANS STAP SANS STAP Meeting 24th of April 2018 Ken Andersen, Neutron Instruments Division, European Spallation Source ERIC

Purpose and Remit of Instrument STAPs Scientific and Technical Advisory Panels one per instrument class STAP: instrument advisory body science case and functional requirements all aspects which impact on scientific output of instrument (not just instrument project) technical and project decisions early science Advice to both NSS management and instrument teams collaborative & non-adversarial setting NSS management & instrument teams take advice constructively allows NSS management & instrument teams to make good, informed decisions Each STAP meeting results in written recommendations followed up in subsequent meeting(s) presented at following SAC meeting

Latest building site update

Construction and Operations Budgets Initial Operations Steady-State Operations

Current Baseline Instrument Ramp-up Version 17/11/2017, based on Instrument Construction Working Schedule V3.4 Instrument 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 LOKI ODIN NMX ESTIA CSPEC DREAM SKADI BEER BIFROST MAGIC T-REX HEIMDAL MIRACLES VESPA FREIA Instrument 16 Instrument 17 Instrument 18 Instrument 19 Instrument 20 Instrument 21 Instrument 22 5MW 8 instruments in user programme 4MW 3MW 2MW 1MW Construction Project Hot Commissioning 50 75 100% User Programme

Re-baselining in Progress Delays to Conventional Facilities (CF) changes imposed by Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSM) on dealing with earthquake requirements redesign of target and instrument buildings delaying CF construction by 1-2 years Timeline Preliminary dates communicated to instrument teams in December additional information on instrument installation provided integrated installation plan presented at IKON14 13-15/2 updated CF dates received early March instrument schedule integration workshop 8th May SAC meeting 3-4/5 external review 22-24/5 Council meeting in June: new baseline approved

Science Directorate re-baseline major MS (based on CF building access dates of 12th April) Hot commissioning MS NSS ready for Beam on Target (BOT) on 7 July 2022, with Test beam line and 1 or more user instruments ready for hot commissioning User operations MS Three user instruments be ready to start operation by end of 2023. First eight instruments ready to start operation by end of 2024. C. All fifteen instruments ready to start operation by end of 2026. Major schedule delays compared to 2016 Baseline: Beam on Target (BOT) = 21 months Beam on 1st Instrument = 17 months Eight Instrument into User Program = 16 months NSS project completion < 12 months Preserved milestones: Start of user program (SOUP) in 2023 (with zero float) NSS project completion in 2025 (also with zero float).

First out-of-bunker access dates for Instrument Installation Dec 2019 2 Dec 2019 Black = baseline dates from 2016 Grey = estimation 30th Jan 2018 (shown at IKON14) RED = fixed dates 12th April 2018 E04 Jan 2020 16 Dec 2019 May 2019 E03 E01 Sep 2019 15 Aug 2019 (incl. crane E01) E02 (1) Nov 2019 March – Sept 2021 10 May 2021 E02 (2) December 2019 D03 Dec 2020 - May 2021 18 Jan 2021 (crane operational 15 Feb 2021) D02 D01 April 2020 February 2020 April –Sep 2021 (full D01 same date range) 3 June 2021 (crane operational 26 July 2021)

First in-bunker access dates for Instrument Installation Black = baseline dates from 2016 Grey = estimation 30th Jan 2018 (shown at IKON14) RED = fixed dates 12th April 2018 1. D01 Aug 2019 July 2020 – Jan 2021 25 Feb 2021 D02 D03 Jun 2019 April - Oct 2020 3 Nov 2020 D02 Feb 2019 Oct 2019-March 2020 28 Feb 2020 Start of joint work with Target in D02 (R6, NBOA & LS etc.) Start of bunker work in D01 & D03 2. D01 Dec 2019 March – Sep 2021 11 Aug 2021 D02 D03 Dec 2019 June – Dec 2021 9 July 2021 Start of first in-bunker access for Neutron Instrument construction

Proposed rebaseline schedule for NBI. Installation (TG4 –> TG5) (V4 Proposed rebaseline schedule for NBI* Installation (TG4 –> TG5) (V4.-0.4, 12th April 2018) (based on CF building access dates of 12th April NSS access to E01 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Start User Program (3NBI*) Beam on Target NSS access to D01 NSS access to D03 8 NBI* in User Program Cave installation & fitout OOB Guides & shielding In bunker installation Cold commissioning NSS access to E02/2 West sector North sector East and South sectors * NBI = Neutron Beam Instrument

Selection of first instruments for SOUP in Q1, 2023 Proposed rebaseline schedule for Neutron Beam Instruments (V4.-0.4, 12th April 2018) West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date First access to NSS bldgs (E01) Start User Program (3NBI*) BOT & start HC of NBI* 8NBI* in User Program Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing & Procurement Installation & Integration Hot Commissioning/Early science Operation Safest instrument choices to be Ready for SOUP are in the West sector (BEER, CSPEC, BIFROST & MAGIC) Most desirable instrument choices for early science highlights are in the South and North (ODIN, DREAM & LOKI) Selection of first instruments for SOUP in Q1, 2023 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 * NBI = Neutron Beam Instrument

Action items and Highlights from November SANS STAP meeting J. White should present hard-matter SANS and sample environment More information on process and strategy for choosing and building instruments 16-22 LOKI issues: divergence and spatial profile of beam directly after bender Accessibility, exchange, realignment of in-bunker optics Band-GEM detectors are geometrically ill-adapted front detectors should not have lower spatial resolution than rear detectors. go for incomplete but upgradeable day-one detector coverage clarify if electronics solution exists for boron-straw detectors critical decision needed on detector technology SKADI issues: deflector geometry is promising and needs further study SKADI should move ahead quickly despite not being in the first 8 SONDE detectors cannot be ordered fully assembled apparently only on supplier exists for the photo-multipliers some FPGA development is needed to handle multiple detector elements could modules be made available for LOKI? Not convinced that the high-resolution mode has a strong scientific case doubts about reliability of resolution and flux calculations fine as an upgrade path not justified by stroboscopic studies which are anyway enabled by event mode data collection not convinced by inelastic measurement possibilities

Other points from November SANS STAP meeting Software plans basically OK not on agenda this time Sample environment plans basically OK a strategy for high throughput is lacking standard movement axes need to be provided beam movement needs to be considered carefully consider practicality and limitations of pallet system Are LOKI and SKADI designs inconsistent? Lack of neutronics advice and calculations Timeline for LOKI and SKADI projects

Charge to the SANS STAP, April 2018 Does the STAP support the LOKI proposal on detector technology? Does the STAP support the chosen options for in-monolith optics on LOKI and SKADI? Has the SKADI team addressed the concerns on sample area accessibility and ergonomics? Which collimation solution should LOKI choose? Current plans for hard-matter studies on SANS at ESS: to what extent will they provide for world-leading science? what needs to be done to ensure that LOKI and SKADI can support world-leading science in this area? We are considering merging the SANS and Reflectometry STAPs: please discuss and advise Format of October STAP meeting: face-to-face, video-conferencing, correspondence?

Thank you! ESS site 2016 5th June 2015