Why should I put my research on HIRA?
What are the benefits? HIRA promotes the research outputs of Liverpool Hope University staff Permanent access to information (and where permitted full text) about all of your Hope outputs in one place for you, your students, your Head of Department and the REF assessors HIRA is linked to Google Scholar and other search engines so your research is more accessible which has been proven to lead to an increase in citations
What are the benefits? Compliance with HEFCE Open Access requirements for next REF (journal articles and conference papers) Compliance with Open Access requirements from funders Increasing access to publicly funded research as part of the Open Access agenda
REF requirements Applies to journal articles and conference papers in publications with an ISSN Output must be deposited in repository on acceptance for publication (within a deadline of 3 months of this date) The version must be the author’s accepted and final peer reviewed text Where there is no publisher embargo the full text must be on the repository within 1 month of deposit Embargo periods should not exceed: Panels A & B 12 months Panels C & D 24 months
REF exceptions Publication is unable to be deposited within 3 months of acceptance but was deposited within 3 months of the earliest date of publication Publication requires an embargo that exceeds the appropriate panel’s stated maximum and where this is the most appropriate publication for the output Publication disallows open access deposit in a repository and where this is the most appropriate publication for the output
REF exceptions Output is dependent on third part copyright for which open access rights could not be granted e.g. images Individual was not employed at a UK HEI at time of submission to publication If there is a delay in securing the final peer-reviewed text e.g. multiple authors It is unlawful to deposit output If there would be a security risk in depositing the output
Do I need to do anything before I can add a research output to HIRA YES If this is the first time you are contributing to the Repository you must complete a Deposit Agreement form (this is normally completed when you join Liverpool Hope)
What can I deposit? Journal articles Books Edited books Conference papers Creative outputs
How do I deposit? Directly on to HIRA The library web pages provide a full set of guides for the different output types