Español I Sra. Torres ¡Bienvenidos!
Rules Behavior affects classroom achievement of everyone Students should get to class & take out all materials (text, workbook, notebook, homework card) Loss of 5 points / infraction for not having textbook / workbook
Curriculum Avancemos series Quizzes (vocabulary, grammar later in year) Lesson tests (listening, vocabulary, reading, grammar, speaking) Compositions Oral presentation Homework (homework card) Projects
Grading Point system Many points (+500 / quarter) Focus on achievement on a daily basis One bad / good day doesn’t change much Opportunities for bonus points; no pushing up of quarter grades A=91.5%+ B=83.5%+ C=73.5%+ D=64.5%+ Grades online: Administrative assistants available in the main office tonight to process Home Access Center forms.
X Absences Student responsibility to see me Absence binder 1 week to make up, but I advise to do ASAP Advance notification of quizzes, tests
Problems Students should not let problems go After school help in my room most days until 3:15 National Honor Society tutoring Email / phone: information on web site ( / 610-965-1650 X 21234
Special Note Keep an open mind to new concepts & ideas Look for Spanish all around you Important to review regularly Use the web site (flashcards, games, etc.) Take responsibility – the material will require more out-of-class study as the year progresses
Thank you for coming tonight! ¡Gracias por venir! Thank you for coming tonight!