Star Wars Joust storyboard Animated “video” game
Static pieces
Proposal Step 1. Who is the Customer & who has authorization to make changes to this plan? You are the customer and I am making a game for you. I am an evil taskmaster and will allow no sideseat driving I make all changes! Step 2. Who will be looking at the page (Audience for the page)? If its awesome enough hopefully anyone who likes Star Wars mashups Step 3. Objectives for the Project (Selling something, Teach Something, Entertainment?) To create an entertaining mix of Star Wars and Joust Step 4: What will the Project's layout look like? (Create a site map plus sample page for website or story board with main characters & scenes for game or animation.) It’ll be an open sided game (pieces move freely from side to side) with a static background Step 5. What will you have to create (content & media) and what will be given to you? I created it all Step 6. Estimate the time (amount of hours) to complete project (then multiple by at least 1.3) 11 hours Step 7. How much time will they give you for development your Project? I think the standard rate is for every hour in class two hours outside of it. Step 8. How many "free" changes will you give them to this Project? Two. Potential skin changes (Tatooine pod race, Hoth asteroid chase) Step 9. How much money are they willing to spend? Enough to get a cool game Step 10. Are there any problems that may complicate the development of this project? I may change my mind entirely and do something completely different for a final assignment