How to learn some Russian in less than 5 minutes Azita Panahpour
Languages Russian English German French Turkish
33 Letters 10 vowel 21 constants 2 letters that designate no sound
Russian invitation to drink Russian Gestures Russian Figa “You get nothing” Russian invitation to drink
Word Order In English, the word order plays an important role because it shows the relationships between parts in the sentence (subject, object, etc.) The relationships between parts of the Russian sentence are shown by the endings of words Кошки едят мышей. Мышей едят кошки. Едят кошки мышей. Едят мышей кошки. the object of the action is shown by the ending -ей of the word мышей.
Russian Tenses Past Tense Future Tense The meaning of the past tense form depends on whether the verb is imperfective or perfective. Russian past tense verbs agree with their subjects in gender and number. The meaning of the future tense form depends on whether the verb is imperfective or perfective. The imperfective future is formed with an auxiliary verb быть The perfective future is formed by conjugating the perfective infinitive
Russian words Good morning Hi [dobraye ootra] Доброе утро [privyet] Привет
More Russian My name is… I’m American minya zavoot Меня зовут ya amirikanits Я американец
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