Megakaryocytes can produce multiple large protrusions simultaneously that anchor into the endothelium. Megakaryocytes can produce multiple large protrusions.


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Megakaryocytes can produce multiple large protrusions simultaneously that anchor into the endothelium. Megakaryocytes can produce multiple large protrusions simultaneously that anchor into the endothelium. (A) Histological sections of a single megakaryocyte (M) extending three separate large protrusions into the sinusoid lumen (SL). (B, D) TEM images of protruding megakaryocytes, highlighting an area selected for tomography (red box). (C, E) Single tomographic slices and respective models of the protrusion membrane (green) overlapping or inserting into the luminal surface of the endothelium (pink). Bone marrow of the diaphysis region obtained from flushed femurs. Scale bars represent 10 μm in (A); 5 μm in (B, D); 500 nm in (C); and 1 μm in (D). Images representative of five independent experiments. Source data are available for this figure. Edward Brown et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800061 © 2018 Brown et al.