5th Grade Georgia Milestone Assessment System A Parents Guide Math, Reading Science, and Social Studies
What is the GMAS Assessment
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Students need to arrive to school by 7:45 am Students will report directly to their designated testing sites Please ensure that your students report directly to breakfast if need be. If students are late, they will have to make up the assessment.
Students must eat breakfast before reporting to their testing location Please ensure your child eats a healthy and fulfilling breakfast Students may bring a snack to eat AFTER the test, but not during Lunch will not be greatly affected.
Dept. of Knowledge
Example 1
Example 2
Extended Writing Response-Sample
Students will be given one of the following GENRES: -Opinion -Narrative -Informational
Narrative Rubric
Expectations We need ALL students at Level 3 or Level 4
http://www.gadoe.org Iready http://www.gaexperienceonline.com/ https://www.lumoslearning.com/llwp/resources/gmas-practice-tests-sample-questions.html