Central Government Framework National and Sub-national Relationships in a Unitary State
County Governance Framework CDA/PRS Consultative Process, Key Performance Areas and Challenges to Implementation of the PRS and CDA
Key Performance Area Main Challenges Institutional Capacity and sub-National Transformation Core sub-national systems not established or implemented, e.g. PMS, basic Admin Proc Local/ County management capacity and capability very low in technical areas – bloated establishment Poor accountability mechanisms Serious challenges in the areas of financial management, programme management, engineering and organisational development. Basic Service Delivery and Infrastructure Slow pace and poor quality of services delivered Access to Roads for economic and social ues emerge as one of the critical challenges Access to Housing, Health, Water and sanitation and Education are other key issues backlog sighted as a critical issue Local Economic Development High levels of poverty due to unemployment Lack of core agricultural extension services and capital inputs Poor quality LED strategies and no clear focus and interventions in traditional growth areas such as mining, rubber, palm oil productions, timber, fisheries and ag to increase employment and create jobs Financial Viability and Management Poor understanding and application of the public financial management system at sub-national level No budget, procurement, asset and operations management systems Poor sub-national financial management capacity and systems Low revenue base due to high levels of indigents Good Governance Instability within and between political and administrative domains Poor communication between county authorities and citizens Ineffective district, chiefdom and clan level political structure – No local govt. and chieftaincy election in the last 20 years
Structural Transformation for PRS and CDA Delivery County Based M&E Structures to Ensure Implementation of the PRS and CDA
The Service Delivery Context