King of Kings Lord of Lords Jesus Is: King of Kings Lord of Lords
We are to have A Mind of a Servant Lk 22:24-30
Mind of a Servant Desire for Preeminence Jew’s Culture Mt 23:5-12, Scribes & Pharisees Mt 6:1-18, rebuking works that are performed to be seen of men Apostles Lk 22:24-30, arguing over who was to be greatest Mt 20:20-28, James & John In our age, sports is a huge part of our culture; it promotes and encourages being 1st
Mind of a Servant Desire for Preeminence Early Church Acts 5:1-11, Ananias & Sapphira Jas 2:1-9, prejudice among Christians I Corinthians, rampant in church III Jn 9, Diotrephes
Mind of a Servant Lk 22:26, but you shall not be so he that is greatest, let him be as the younger he that is chief, as he that doth serve. Mt 20:26-27, But it shall not be so among you whosoever will be great, let him be your minister whosoever will be chief, let him be your servant The definition of greatest in Lk 22 is more akin to older, matches with the contrast of younger
Mind of a Servant Jesus our Example Lord of Lords and King of Kings BUT: Mt 20:28, Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. Jesus did not exercise Lordship over others
Mind of a Servant Servant – Minister Minister Strong’s, to run on errands; an attendant, a waiter Thayer, one who executes the commands of another, especially of a master, a servant, attendant, minister Same word translated Deacon Jesus – humble servant king, suffering servant Two separate Greek word describe these but will not focus on differences
Mind of a Servant Servant – Minister Servant Strong’s, a slave Thayer, a slave, bondman, man of servile condition
Mind of a Servant Servant – Minister Mt 20:26, But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister. Lk 22:26, But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve We will consider attitudes of a servant. That Jesus had, that Jesus commands
Mind of a Servant Meek Strong’s, humility: - meekness. Thayer, mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness WE Vines, commonly use suggest weakness, whereas prautes (Greek) does nothing of the kind Yielding to another Example of Livestock
Mind of a Servant Meek Trait of Jesus Mt 11:29, for I am meek and lowly in heart Mt 21:5, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an donkey, II Cor 10:1, Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ Jesus was humble, meek, mild, gentle; yet Lord and God
Mind of a Servant Meek Trait of a Teacher/Preacher I Tim 6:11, follow after … meekness II Tim 2:24-26, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves Trait of the Spiritual Gal 6:1, restore fallen in the spirit of meekness
Mind of a Servant Meek Key Attribute for Unity in the Church Eph 4:2
Mind of a Servant Submissive Strong’s, to subordinate; to obey: - be under obedience Thayer, to arrange under, to subordinate WE Vines, primarily a military term, “to rank under” An attribute that is part Meekness
Mind of a Servant Submissive Jesus Phil 2:7, took on form of a servant Mt 26:39, 42, let this cup pass… Disciples Jas 4:7, Submit yourselves to God I Pet 2:13-3:7, Submit yourselves to… Eph 5:21, Submitting yourselves one to another Although not mentioned in Eph 4:2, it is a part of meekness; and is mentioned in 5:21
Mind of a Servant Humble Strong’s, depressed, humiliated: - base, cast down, humble, of low degree, lowly. Thayer, of low degree, lowly in spirit, humble An attribute that is part Meekness
Mind of a Servant Humble Trait of Jesus Mt 11:29, for I am meek and lowly in heart Mt 20:28, Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister Key Attribute for Unity in the Church Eph 4:2
Mind of a Servant Forbearing Strong’s, enduring of ill Thayer, patient of ills and wrongs RWP, putting up with evil WE Vines, “patiently forbearing evil,” lit., “patient of wrong,” Key Attribute for Unity in the Church Eph 4:2
Mind of a Servant Forbearing Jesus I Pet 2:20-25, we are to endure affliction as Christ did Quality of a Servant of God II Tim 2:24, servant must be patient I Cor 4:12, being persecuted, we suffer Key Attribute for Unity in the Church Eph 4:2
Mind of a Servant Summary Sin of Preeminence Widespread We are called to be Servants and Ministers Jesus our example Attitudes Necessary Meek Submissive Humble Forbearing Much trouble is created in congregations over the desire to be preeminent, to have it our way. Eph 4:2, shows us that it is a critical attitude a Christian is to have in order to be unified, in order to have peace in the local church. Eph 4:2 also has Patient
He that is Greatest – Is a Servant