What is the link between these pictures?
Thought for the Week: The Importance of Good Communication
Communication is passing information from one person to another. This can be done in different ways...........
How many different ways of communicating can you think of?
Not all communication involves speech......... Sometimes we communicate without using any words at all.........
Forms of Communication........
93% of our communication is non-verbal Non-verbal means without using speech. Instead, we communicate using body language and facial expressions.
Sometimes this can be confusing............ What do these facial expressions mean?
Just because someone looks at you, it does not mean that they are trying to upset you, make you angry or sad.
It is natural to look at one another It is natural to look at one another. In fact, it is polite to look at someone when you are speaking to them Sometimes we are not even aware that we are looking at someone, or what kind of facial expression we are using.
Someone looking at you is never a reason for being aggressive towards them. Remember, the look may not mean what you think it does.
There is one facial expression that is easy to read.......... Try it.........................!