On the farm
Friday 2 February Why study plants and farming? SLO: To gain an understanding of the importance of plants, farming and our food. Organising folders and achievement tracking sheets. Introduction: Why are plants important? What do we use plants for? What makes plants so special? Read p32 ES and summarise key points. Homework: 9Ca(1) and 9Cc(1) plus revise keywords. Due date: Wednesday 7 February
Thursday 9 February Photosynthesis and Respiration SLO: Describe how plants photosynthesise. Read p32 ES and summarise key points Review photosynthesis. What is respiration? The equation. Elodea experiment – set-up (planning). Pg 33 ES Read and summarise key points. Q’s 6,7&8
Friday 10 February The role of photosynthesis and respiration SLO: Describe how plants respire. Pop quiz. Set-up Elodea experiment. What is respiration? The respiration equation. Pg 33 ES Read and summarise key points.
Monday 13 February Review of photosynthesis and respiration SLO: Describe how plants respire. Write word equations for photosynthesis and respiration. Pop quiz. Check Elodea experiment – are there any changes? Plants in your bedroom? The Carbon Cycle. How plants store food. The iodine test. Poster review.
Wednesday 15 February The structure of plants leaves 1 SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves. Reliever Read and summarise pgs 34-35 ES 9 Answer the questions pgs 34-35 Using a pencil, draw and label leaf diagram, pg 35 Read and answer questions pg 31 Review keywords
Thursday 16 February The structure of plant leaves 2 SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves. Pop quiz. Leaf structure – videos. Leaf structure – drawings/terminology/functions. Homework: Review keywords.
Friday 17 February Review of leaf and root structure and functions SLO: Describe the structure of plant leaves and roots. Pop quiz. Continue with leaf structure. Making 3D leaves. Write job descriptions for parts of the leaf – use ES p 34. (Elodea expt will continue till Monday). Root structure. Homework: Review keywords, Work through leaf structure booklet . Due date for Leaf structure booklet – Thursday 23 February.
Monday 20 February Experiments Pop quiz Chocolate milk experiment Elodea experiment – conclusion Stomata – microscopes (start) Homework – Keep working through booklet. Due on Thursday
Wednesday 22 February Review of leaf and root structure and functions BYOD lesson. Task: Using Google Web/images and Youtube, you are to find 10 images and descriptions of functions for leaf and root structure, and 2 videos of each. You are to analyse each to work out the usefulness of the information for your level of learning. Before you begin, you will need to draw up a table in your book with the appropriate headings (see the board). Homework - Review keywords, continue working through leaf structure booklet.
Thursday 23 February Leaf structure SLO: Make a microscope slide of a leaf structure. Make a slide of agapanthus leaf to identify the stomata. Do a biological drawing of the stomata. Roots – watch root systems video. What is the function of roots? What basic types of roots are there? Observe root cross-sections under the microscope. Notes on roots.
Friday 24 February Roots/How farmers improve crops Pop quiz Observe root cross-sections under the microscope. Notes on roots. How science can improve crops. Read pgs 36-37 ES and summarise key points (on board). Homework – revise keywords. Test on Wedsnesday 1 March.
Monday 27 February Farmers and Science SLO: Describe how farmers use science to improve crops. How science can improve crops. Read pgs 36-37 ES and summarise key points (on board). A look at ‘non-traditional’ methods of growing crops. Prepare class presentation for the method you are given.
Wednesday 1 March Alternative farming methods SLO: Describe how farmers use science to improve crops. Keywords test Continue to work on presentations. Must be finished and ready to present on Thursday 2 March.
Thursday 2 March Alternative farming methods - presentations SLO: Describe how farmers use science to improve crops. Class presentations
Friday 3 March Alternative farming methods - presentations SLO: Describe how farmers use science to improve crops. Class presentations
Monday 6 March Farming problems SLO: Use food webs to explain changes in the environment. Finish presentations. What sort of problems does farming cause? An overview. Ppt (on website) Fill out worksheet. Is organics the answer? Pg 42 ES 9 – do questions and discuss.
Wednesday 8 March Food chains and food webs SLO: Use food chains/webs to explain changes in the environment. Who ate Peter Plankton? What is a food chain – notes, examples and worksheet. What is a food web – notes, video, examples and activity. Effect of removing one species activity. Farming Choices assignment (first assessment for this topic) Due date – Friday 17 March
Thursday 9 March Farming Choices assignment SLO: Present an argument for a selected crop farm. Working on your assignment – bring your device.
Friday 10 March Farming choices assignment SLO: Present an argument for a selected crop farm. Working on your assignment – bring your device.
Monday 13 March Food chains and food webs SLO: Use food chains/webs to explain changes in the environment. Who ate Peter Plankton? What is a food chain – notes, examples and worksheet. What is a food web – notes, video, examples and activity. Effect of removing one species activity. Reminder: Farming Choices assignment (first assessment for this topic) Due date – Friday 17 March
Wednesday 15 March Food chains and food webs Pop quiz on food chains and food webs. Food chain and food web video. Summary sheets and end of topic quiz. Test for this topic – Wednesday 22 March.
Thursday 16 March Ted talks Working in pairs, find and listen to a Ted talk on an aspect of sustainable farming. Choose a topic that interests you. Write a synopsis (a short summary of the key ideas) of the Ted talk – this will require you to take notes as you watch. Share your synopsis with me and the link to your Ted talk. Don’t forget your gear for revising for the test tomorrow.
Friday 17 March Test revision