Third Grade Parent Information TEAM Mrs. Larson - Reading, Language Arts, and Social Studies Mrs. Weeks - Math and Science
Third Grade Mission Third grade at FIE exists to promote independent thinking in order to provide a bridge for students into the intermediate learning environment.
Third Grade Vision We envision a community formed by teachers, parents, and students, where all involved share a mutual respect, working as a team to meet everyone’s needs through a nurturing environment. Teachers collaboratively reflect on data to design and implement research-based lessons that are engaging and foster meaningful learning. As a result students will gain the ability to become independent thinkers and workers who are responsible for themselves as well as supportive and helpful to each other.
Daily Schedule 8:15-8:25 Lunch count/ Attendance 8:25-10:25 Academic Block 1 10:25-10:35 Handwriting/ Read 10:40-11:10 Resource 11:18-11:48 Lunch (Larson) 11:20-11:50 Lunch (Weeks) 11:48-12:20 Recess 12:20-2:20 Academic Block 2 2:25 Dismissal
Stingray Way Respect yourself and others. Accept responsibility. Your attitude is everything. Strive for success!
Respect yourself and others. Accept responsibility. Your attitude is everything. Ways we maintain respect... CONSEQUENCES Warning Mark Responsibility Chart Monthly Responsibility Training (>9 marks) Loss of Free time Parent Contact Guidance or Discipline Referral REWARDS Praise Phone Calls and Notes Home Special Rewards Monthly Celebration (<9 marks)
Communication Agendas – daily communication tool Please initial each day once homework is complete. Email – Phone – (904)278-2020 ext. 2288/ 2289 We do not answer the phone while we are teaching your child but will return your call during our planning time. Third grade website – Folders sent home every Tuesday. Please review, sign, and return on Wednesday mornings. Communication
Grading Scale A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F 0 – 59
Mrs. Larson Reading Writing Social Studies Making Meaning Vocabulary Independent Reading Writing Being a Writer Grammar Making Words Social Studies Map skills Government/ Culture Geography Countries of North America
Mrs. Weeks Math Science * Multiplication/Division Facts * Scientific Method Number Sense, Data, Fractions, * Physical Science Geometry and Measurement. * Life Science * Math Fact Practice Nightly * Space * Mobymax - Homework (The link is on our website.) * Math Binders - Tests will be signed and kept in the binders.
Home Learning Assignments MobyMax: (Coming Soon!) Reading Comprehension Practice Reading Log Math Fact Practice Math Assignment Read Independent book for 20 minutes each night. Study Guides as needed for tests - watch for this in agenda