FFZG - institution, people and context Marijana Glavica <mglavica@ffzg.hr> SEEDS project kick-off meeting, 4th May 2015
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb largest and oldest institution for humanities and social sciences University of Zagreb - the oldest in Croatia (1669); FFZG began in 1874/74 today 700 employees (more than 500 academics) + 600 part time lecturers more than 100 study programs, BA and MA level; PhD programs 6000 students
Related projects (previous and current) SERSCIDA CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure (now ERIC, CRO not yet a member…) InHerit - Heritage Interpretation for Adult Learning CESAR - CEntral and South-east europeAn Resources LetsMT! - Platform for Online Sharing of Training Data and Building User Tailored Machine Translation
Initiative for data archiving services beginning of the year 2006. bottom-up - enthusiasts from various social science fields and various institutions failed attempt to institutionalize, but presented the idea at local conferences international contacts (ADP, CESSDA Workshop, CESSDA-PPP)
Science policy and funding Institutions Ministry of Science, Education and Sports - policy Croatian Science Foundation - financing scientific projects National Council for Science, Higher Education and Technology Development - strategic and advisory body Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education - quality assurance Documents Strategy for Education, Science and Technology (2014) Development plan for scientific infrastructure (2014) changing and transforming!
Stakeholders for data services science policy and funding institutions research institutes research and education institutions National Statistical Office libraries national archives
Croatian team in SEEDS Alen, Marijana, Dobrica, Irena