Scoot Review: Endocrine System Mrs. Messina Scoot Review: Endocrine System
Question One Percy Julian developed cortisone from what American crop? Soybeans
Question Two This is both a duct and ductless gland located behind the stomach that produces the hormone insulin. Pancreas
Question Three This gland is in charge of the rate at which the body metabolizes or burns energy. Thyroid
Question Four True or False: If your endocrine system does not work correctly, this could cause serious illness or death. TRUE
Question Five Another name for the pituitary gland. Master Gland
Question Six This hormone is released when a person is scared, nervous, or frightened; it may cause sweaty palms and a fast heartbeat. Adrenaline
Question Seven He discovered insulin in 1922 and won the Nobel laureate. Who is he? Sir Fredrick Grant Banting
Question Eight True or False: Hormones control a person’s eye color. False
Question Nine The pituitary gland is in charge of all other glands, but also the _______rate or ______ hormone. Growth
Question Ten This part of the brain is the link between the nervous system and the endocrine glands. Hypothalamus
Question Eleven Which component of food would a person with diabetes type 2 have to learn to measure? Carbohydrates
Question Twelve He established the Department of Medical Research at the University of Toronto in 1932. Who is he? Charles Best
Question Thirteen The parathyroid regulates how the bones absorb what mineral? Calcium
Question Fourteen True or False: Doctors and scientists know what causes type 1 diabetes. False
Question Fifteen How are hormones carried throughout the body? The Blood
Question Sixteen This process in the body happens when a particular hormone reaches a certain level, messages are sent throughout the body to stop production of the hormone. Negative Feedback
Question Seventeen Another word for balance Homeostasis
Question Eighteen A disease in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot process the insulin correctly. Diabetes
Question Nineteen True or False: Percy Julian is still alive and making inventions. False
Question Twenty The chemical products made by the endocrine system. Hormones
Question Twenty-One These produce and secrete hormones. Glands
Question Twenty-Two True or False: Eating lots of sugary drinks and eating foods high in fats will DECREASE your chances of getting type 2 diabetes. False
Question Twenty-Three Kids more commonly get diagnosed with which type of diabetes? Type 1
Question Twenty-Four Dr. Percy Julian invented _______, a product used to put out fires. Aerofoam
Question Twenty-Five These duct glands secrete hormones onto the surfaces of body tissue. Exocrine Glands
Question Twenty-Six Your adrenal glands are located on top of each _______. Kidneys
Question Twenty-Seven True or False: Fruits and vegetables are ALWAYS the cheapest food option. False
Question Twenty-Eight The pituitary gland is located where? Base of the brain
Question Twenty-Nine Cortisone treats what disease? Arthritis
Question Thirty True or False: Voice changes in both boys and girls are controlled by hormones of the endocrine system. True
Question Thirty-One True or False: Sir Fredrick Banting was inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame. False