Successfully implementing strategies to reduce sickness absence Dr Jill Miller, Policy Adviser
We’ll cover: UK absence levels Main challenges we’re currently facing Future workplace challenges Putting absence management into a wider well-being framework What does a healthy workplace look like?
What are the main challenges we’re currently facing?
Future workplace challenges
We need to put absence management within a wider employee well-being framework
What does a healthy workplace look like?
To share 1. What’s the current well-being challenge for your organisation? 2. What well-being initiative are you proud of?
What does a healthy workplace look like?
The CIPD well-being pyramid
A holistic approach to improving the health, well-being and engagement of the workforce
‘HEALTH’ – the main elements Physical health Good rehabilitation Health checks Health promotion OH support Physical safety Safe working practices Risk assessment Safe equipment Personal safety training Mental health Stress audit/ management Mental health policy Anti-stigma campaign Mental health first aid
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