Eye-Based Interaction in Graphical Systems: Theory & Practice Fig.1: Scanpaths Andrew Duchowski Computer Science Clemson University andrewd@cs.clemson.edu Roel Vertegaal Computing and Information Science Queen’s University roel@acm.org
Overview Basics of visual attention, human vision, eye movements and signal analysis Eye tracking hardware specifications Video eye tracker integration Principal eye tracking system modes interactive or diagnostic Example systems and potential applications
Course Schedule: Part I Introduction to the Human Visual System (HVS) Neurological substrate of the HVS Physiological and functional descriptions Visual Perception Spatial, temporal, color vision Eye Movements Saccades, fixations, pursuits, nystagmus
Course Schedule: Part II Part II: Eye tracking systems The eye tracker early developments video-based eye trackers system use Integration issues application design calibration data collection / analysis
Course Schedule: Part III / Demo Part III: Potential applications VR Human Factors Collaborative systems Advertising Psychophysics Displays Demonstration: GAZE Groupware System