TUZLA CANTON TUZLA CANTON GOVERNMENT Ministry of trade, tuorism and transport Tuzla International Airport Regional CARGO Center with Airpark Possibility for investment in form of public-private partnership
Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark Why invest in this project: 1,200,000 citizens in region siginificant economy and agricultural capacities (food production, large potential of drinking water, sport, recreative and health tourism, rich cultural and historical heritage) existing airport infrastructure along with licence for international airport operator – capacity of airport is for much higher than current level of traffic 160 ha of land resources available quality of airport approach path and good climate conditions already invested around 70 million EUR of own funds
Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark What is expected from investor: Investment in form of any applicable model of public-private partnership for the purpose of: - construction and development of CARGO center with Airpark - improvement of existing airport infrastructure - purchasing of airport equipment - starting of new air routes - opening of business zones within Airpark - employment of additional workers at the airport - new job openings within Airpark - using 160 ha of land resources for the purpose of regional development
Market analysis: providing of airport services to the international and domestic air companies, opening of market to the LCC (Low Cost Carriers) air companies creating preconditions for stationing of international CARGO air companies export of organic food and drinking water development of incoming and outgoing tourism Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark
Status of project: Project Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark was in declared as a strategic project by Tuzla canton government Preliminary project accepted in by Tuzla canton assembly During project was presented to the interested economic entities on international conference in Tuzla Project is currently in stage of seeking for adequate investor. Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark
Total investment in project: already invested in land, buildings, equipment and infrastructure around 70 million EUR in operational expenses for airport and maintenance of existing infrastructure and equipment annualy is invested between – EUR
Funding sources: own funds: own revenues and grant funds from owner investor funds: 16 miliona EUR Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark
Međunarodni aerodrom Tuzla – regionalni CARGO centar sa Airparkom Possible model of partnership: Final details regarding percentages and structure of ownership will be a subject of negotation with investor
Planned project/investment timeline: Within 4 year period from start of construction CARGO center should be fully in function. Type of investor support expected from investor: construction of CARGO center, improvement of exsisting infrastructure and purchasing of scarce equipment Support from Tuzla Canton government in obtainment of required documentation, solving ownership issues, assistance in process of obtainment of required permits and approvals – project was declared as strategic by Tuzla canton government and assembly. Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark
Investment options and profit forecasts according to IPSA SAVE study (scenario construction and modernization of airport until 2020.) Scenario 1: for 16 millions EUR investment Number of passengers transported: between and , until Amount of Cargo transported: between and tons, until Number of handled aircrafts: between 6000 and , until Expected rate of profitability ROI=22% (optimistic approach to estimate the accumulated profit of 66 millions EUR)
Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark Investment options and profit forecasts according to IPSA SAVE study (scenario construction and modernization of airport until 2020.) Scenario 2: for 9 millions EUR investment Number of passengers transported: up to , until Amount of Cargo transported: between 7500 and tons, until Number of handled aircrafts: between 4000 and 8000, until Expected rate of profitability of ROI=11% (conservative approach)
Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark Company profile: Limited liability Main activity: airport operator – providing services in aviation Size of the company: SME Market position: one of the key players Annualy revenue: around EUR Structure of ownership: 100 % public Year of establishment: Number of employees: 40
Tuzla International Airport – regional CARGO center with Airpark Contacts: - Minister for trade, tourism and transport in TC government, Mustafa Isabegović - Director of PE Tuzla International Airport Ltd, Esed Mujačić - Bosnia and Herzegovina,Tuzla Canton, Gornje Dubrave, Živinice - tel: , fax: ,