King Hezekiah 1. Sudden Restoration.


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Presentation transcript:

King Hezekiah 1. Sudden Restoration

II Chronicles 29 King HEZEKIAH of Judah Follows in the steps of godly King David Son of wicked King Ahaz (28:22-25, 27) Restores “the service of the House of the LORD”

Spiritual Restoration can happen in the darkest of history II Chronicles 29 King HEZEKIAH of Judah Follows in the steps of godly King David Son of wicked King Ahaz (28:22-25, 27) Restores “the service of the House of the LORD” Spiritual Restoration can happen in the darkest of history

A. the Meaning of “Consecration”

A. the Meaning of “Consecration” Separateness – complete dedication

A. the Meaning of “Consecration” Separateness – complete dedication Rightful place in God’s Ownership

A. the Meaning of “Consecration” Separateness – complete dedication Rightful place in God’s Ownership Reconciled to God

A. the Meaning of “Consecration” Separateness – complete dedication Rightful place in God’s Ownership Reconciled to God Humble surrender without Reserve

A. the Meaning of “Consecration” Separateness – complete dedication Rightful place in God’s Ownership Reconciled to God Humble surrender without Reserve = The Reason God gives us Life!

B. the Process of “Consecration”

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19)

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19) “Repentance”, Mat 4:7

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19) “Repentance”, Mat 4:7 Dumping into the valley outside (v16, Matt 18:9)

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19) “Repentance”, Mat 4:7 Dumping into the valley outside (v16, Matt 18:9) Renouncing

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19) “Repentance”, Mat 4:7 Dumping into the valley outside (v16, Matt 18:9) Renouncing Sacrifice made for forgiveness of Sin (20-30)

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19) “Repentance”, Mat 4:7 Dumping into the valley outside (v16, Matt 18:9) Renouncing Sacrifice made for forgiveness of Sin (20-30) Life for Life (Lev 17:11)

B. the Process of “Consecration” Removing what is Unclean (12-19) “Repentance”, Mat 4:7 Dumping into the valley outside (v16, Matt 18:9) Renouncing Sacrifice made for forgiveness of Sin (20-30) Life for Life (Lev 17:11) Believing in Jesus, the Christ, God the Son

C. the Sign of “Consecration” Worship and Gladness (29-30) A life which worships God in spirit and truth, finding Him to be the highest of all joys

Restoring ‘Broad’ Consecration Today

Restoring ‘Broad’ Consecration Today Consecration can happen even in the darkest times (28:22, 29:17,20)

Restoring ‘Broad’ Consecration Today Consecration can happen even in the darkest times (28:22, 29:17,20) Consecration takes any one person with godly conviction (1, 11)

Restoring ‘Broad’ Consecration Today Consecration can happen even in the darkest times (28:22, 29:17,20) Consecration takes any one person with godly conviction (1, 11) Consecration takes immediate action (3,20)

Restoring ‘Broad’ Consecration Today Consecration can happen even in the darkest times (28:22, 29:17,20) Consecration takes any one person with godly conviction (1, 11) Consecration takes immediate action (3,20) Consecration has the Power of God behind it (35-36)