Westchester County Airport PASSUR OPSnet Field Condition Report
PASSUR OPSnet HPN Log-on: http://www9.passur.com/SiropsHPN.html Username: hpnfcr Password: hpnopsnet If you want access to any of the PASSUR OPSnet airports below contact Renee Alter at renee.johns.alter@passur.com - Denver - Milwaukee - Newark - Dulles - JFK - Boston - LaGuardia
Reaching Multiple Players TSA FAA (tower, TRACON) FBO, cargo Other airports Main message: our program allows you to reach multiple audiences simultaneously – local and distant. A lot of people who you would typically have to reach out to – or who would be calling into you for updates – are automatically updated. Airline station ops Airline system operations centers Ground handling, concessions
PASSUR Airfield Condition Reporting Reaches all airport users instantly Updates users about all important airport information Allows the airport to reduce repetitive communications and eliminate multiple overlapping communications programs
Airport Status The airport operator indicates whether the airport is opened or closed. This is where the airport operator indicates whether the airport is opened or closed.
Logging Boston's airside screen also serves as their official “NOTAM” or Notice to Airmen, source of data which is automatically faxed by OPSnet to the appropriate FSS or Flight Service Station.
Runway Status and Conditions Indicates status of all runways and their conditions; red is closed, green is open. Additional details are reported in the free form text boxes such as available length, contamination or any other pertinent information. This section deals with the status of all runways and their conditions. Red is closed, green is open. Additional details are reported in the free form text boxes such as available length, contamination or any other pertinent information.
Taxiway Status and Conditions The taxiways section is free form text to post information on operational status such as closures, surface conditions and construction. The taxiways section contains information on anything relating to their operational status such as closures and surface conditions, such as ice or snow.
Customize Text Sections Each airport can customized their remarks section to meet their particular needs; terminal and airside. Each airport using OPSnet has customized their airside screen remarks section to meet their particular needs. BOS has additional text boxes for Bird activity, Construction, airfield signage, Obstructions, Snow removal activity and..
General Remarks The General Field Remarks section can contain a wide variety of information that is not covered in other areas of the screen. The general field remarks allows the Airport Operations to post any information that is necessary.
airfield, security, terminal, etc Tenant Advisories Tenant Advisories keep the airport community up-to-date on all important issues: airfield, security, terminal, etc Tenant Advisories. This keeps the airport community up-to-date on airfield operations issues.
Automatic E-Mail to Tenants and Users Automatically emails Field Conditions updates to any specified user
Automatic NOTAM Notification to FSS Automatically feeds FAA flight services as the NOTAM submission from the airport.
PASSUR OPSnet Field Condition Report TSA FAA (tower, TRACON) FBO, cargo Other airports Main message: our program allows you to reach multiple audiences simultaneously – local and distant. A lot of people who you would typically have to reach out to – or who would be calling into you for updates – are automatically updated. Airline station ops Airline system operations centers Ground handling, concessions