Title of Capstone Project, Job Shadow, or Internship Name Middletown High School Introduce yourself Explain why you chose this project
Engagement Activity Short two-minute engagement activity
Thesis Statement Address the thesis statement Note connection between the thesis statement and the project
Learning Stretch Describe the learning stretch for your project
Main Applied Learning Standard Describe the applied learning standard (A1a, A1b, or A1c) you met with your project
First Research Topic (subtopic 1) Three bullets about your research from first source MLA Citation
Second Research Topic (subtopic 2) Three bullets about your research from second source MLA Citation
Third Research Topic (subtopic 3) Three bullets about your research from third source MLA Citation
Application of Research to Project How did the connect in some way? Explain how the research you did helped you to complete your Capstone project.
Pictures of My Process, Teaching, or Product How did it go?
Pictures of My Process, Teaching, or Product Describe the photographs.
Pictures of My Process, Teaching, or Product What made you proud? What surprised you during the process? What choices did you make which worked out well? Discuss any obstacles and how you overcame them.
Conclusion: Reflection on the Overall Process What did you learn about yourself? If you had to do it all over again, what would you have changed to make the project more effective/work better?
Thank You Thank your teachers, parents, mentor(s), and judges and anyone else who supported you in this process.
Any Questions Ask the judges for any questions.