Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Topic 1: Instruments for noise pollution regulation used in practice. Case study : Noise Regulation at Brussels Airport
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Regulatory authorities Federal Government Flemish Region Brussels-Capital Region The Brussels Airport Company Brussels Region Flemish Region
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Federal Government (1) Competences –Operating restrictions (noise emission) Per movement : –noise quota per aircraft (between 23hrs and 6hrs and between 6hrs and 7hrs) –Chapter II aircraft –Marginally compliant aircraft (23hrs-6hrs): not yet enforced Cumulative seasonal noise quota (23hrs-6hrs)
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Federal Government (2) Competences –Noise Abatement procedures Preferential Runway System (since 2004, alternation of runway configurations during night and weekends for noise dispersal) Flight procedures (Flightpaths) –Operating license of the airport operator Economic regulation : differentiation of charges based on noise performances
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Flemish Region Competences –Operating restrictions for the Airport via Environmental permit night flights per year –Noise limit on ground Not enforced (only noise monitoring) –Land use planning No specific measures for aircraft noise
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Brussels-Capital Region Competences –Noise limit on ground Noise monitoring Noise limit per aircraft Cumulative Noise limit per night –Land use planning No specific measures for aircraft noise
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels The Brussels Airport Company Competences –Conditions of use of the airport (no specific noise measures enforced) –Economic incentives : charges differentiation following aircraft noise performances
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Consequences Lack of cohesion Conflict between regulatory authorities uncertainty for local communities, airport and airlines Only a part of the players is actively involved Difficulty to apply European framework for regulation of airport noise (Directive 2002/30 - balanced approach)
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Recommendation Importance of a concerted comprehensive approach between regulatory authorities : –Operating restrictions –Land use planning –Noise abatement procedures –Economic incentives (a coherent package instead of individual measures)
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels Most disturbing about noise You never know when it comes Noise disturbance during Weekends Nightflights
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels What do others airports do? Mitigation measures (1) –Noise zoning coupled with land use planning, noise limits, operating procedures and operating restrictions –noise insulation or compensation financed by the noise emitters –Charges differentiation to promote the use of silent aircraft –Strict enforcement (active control authority)
Workshop on the Regulation of Airport Noise ECORE - December 10th, ULB, Brussels What do others airports do? Mitigation measures (2) –Active communication by the airport and by the Air Trafic Control (noise predictability) –Development of routes in cooperation with local communities / local district councils –Continuous improvement of noise abatement procedures