Roles Regular Credit roles: Jurors: Jurors will agree or disagree with the following statement: “Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances and people should not be held responsible for their actions.” In addition, jurors will fill out a note-taking sheet during the trial. Possible extra credit roles: Witnesses/Characters: Decide how your character feels about what happened on the island. Does he believe it was all a bad dream, an accident, a true murder? Witnesses will write an explanation of their character’s position and the reasons the character feels this way. One-Two witnesses per character. (Almost) Guaranteed extra credit roles: Defense and Prosecuting attorney: Must examine witnesses during the trial. Write questions for witnesses along with an opening statement and a closing statement. Two defense and two prosecuting attorneys.
Law Terminology Prosecuting Attorney-the legal party responsible for presenting the case in a criminal trial against an individual accused of breaking the law. Defense Attorney- the lawyer representing the defendant Opening Statement- An introductory statement made by the attorneys for each side at the start of a trial. The opening statement offers a valuable opportunity to provide an overview of the case to the jury and to explain the anticipated proof that will be presented during the course of the trial. Closing Statement: Closing statement is the attorney’s final statement to the judge or jury in a trial.. The attorney reiterates the important arguments and requests the judge or jury to consider the evidence and apply the law in his or her client’s favor.
Degrees of Murder First Degree Murder- a first degree murder involves elements like deliberate planning, premeditation, or malice. Deliberate means that the defendant makes a clear-headed decision to kill the victim. Premeditation involves showing the defendant actually thought about the killing before it occurred. Second Degree Murder- Second degree murder is killing another with malice - doing a harmful act without just cause or legal excuse - but without premeditation or deliberation. In other words, this means intentionally killing someone without planning to do so in advance. Felony Murder- is a killing that happens during the course of the commission of a felony. The murder isn’t necessarily planned out or intended, it’s just a consequence of the other offense.
Assignment for today If you are a character- Meet with the other person (unless it’s just you) who is the same character as you. Examine how your character feels about what happened. Be sure to know ALL about your character. Write your character’s position on whether Roger is guilty or not. If you are an attorney- Meet with your partner and decide who is going to do what (opening/closing statement, questions. Be sure to reread Piggy’s murder so you know all important info. If you are a juror- You need to work on the character evolution handout with a small group (2-3 people).Worksheet due Monday, 12/18.