Use this to create a definition for the ecological footprint KEY DEFINITIONS: Ecological Footprint Carbon Footprint Biocapacity Carrying Capacity Use this to create a definition for the ecological footprint
IB definition Ecological footprint The theoretical measurement of the amount of land and water a population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its waste, under prevailing technology
6 components of the ecological footprint Built up land Fishing ground Forest Grazing land Crop land Carbon footprint
Biological capacity biological capacity or biocapacity : The capacity of ecosystems to regenerate what people demand from those surfaces. The biological capacity of an ecosystem is dependent on its production of useful biological materials and in return the absorption of wastes like carbon dioxide emissions. Biological capacity available per person (or per capita): There were 12 billion hectares of biologically productive land and water on this planet in 2008. Dividing by the number of people alive in that year, 6.7 billion, gives 1.8 global hectares per person This assumes that no land is set aside for other species that consume the same biological material as humans
Biocapacity The planet’s biological productive capacity Currently, the biosphere has approximately 11.2 billion hectares of biologically productive space Dividing the 11.2 billion hectares available by the global population indicates that there are on average 1.8 bioproductive hectares per person on the planet. Currently using 2.2 ha per person. Living beyond the planet’s biocapacity by 15%
When the ecological footprint exceeds biocapacity – Biocapacity deficit
By comparing the Footprint measure with the actual bioproductive capacity of individual nations it is possible to determine if that country is in an ecological deficit (using more than it has) or has an ecological reserve. The US, Japan, the UK, and the United Arab Emirates are all in ecological deficit, using more global hectares than their own land mass provides. Countries with an ecological reserve include Australia, Mongolia, and Gabon.
Why might the biocapacity of a nation decrease? Why might the ecological footprint of a nation increase? Species extinction, loss of biodiversity, building on land, increase in population, climate change, loss of ecosystems e.g. rainforests, coral reefs
Lesson objectives: To assess the value of the ecological footprint A-Z resource consumption
Global hectares – a hectare with world average ability to produce resources and absorb waste
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of these calculators:
P226 Guiness Strengths Weaknesses