Nicole M. Bhave et al. JIMG 2018;11:902-919 4-Dimensional Flow Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Ascending Aorta (A) Healthy subject with 3-cusp aortic valve. Streamline visualization demonstrates normal laminar flow in the ascending aorta (white arrows) and proximal arch (yellow arrow), with color scale representing flow velocity (blue indicates low velocity, red indicates high velocity). (B) Subject with bicuspid aortic valve without stenosis or regurgitation or ascending aortic dilation. Streamlines illustrate eccentric, helical flow in the ascending aorta with *high-velocity systolic flow jet impacting the aortic wall in the region of the greater curvature (white arrows). Nicole M. Bhave et al. JIMG 2018;11:902-919 2018 American College of Cardiology Foundation