Team 24 Web-based Airport Baggage Check-in System Tung Mou Ou, Campus SungWon Nam, Campus Meghan Quist, 2029 – Remote, Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM)
Topic Description 1. Motivation As we travel around the world, we have to check in our baggage. This process usually takes a long time and makes our travel experience irritating. To make the airport check-in time shorter than before, we would like to introduce a self baggage check-in system. 2. Description Prior to the departure date, a traveler can check-in his baggage using our web-based baggage check-in system. A traveler must fill out the form specifying the travelers personal and flight information, the baggage contents, weight, dimensions, and so on. The server responds with a confirmation number and the traveler chooses a delivery method for his baggage. The travelers baggage is inspected by security at the airport and is either accepted or rejected. If his baggage has been rejected, the traveler may request that the baggage be returned, choose to have the items causing the rejection thrown away or mailed back, or have the baggage held at the airport for pickup. A traveler can check the status of his baggage with the confirmation number. 3. Assumptions There is a carrier service which carries the travelers baggage to the airport. Baggage can be rejected by the airport security system. If a traveler can not be sure of his flight schedule, he should not use this system. With this system, a traveler must send his baggage at least one day before his flight date.
System Requirements The system must clearly identify a travelers flight information such as flight number, date, departing airport, destination, and so on. Hence, the system must maintain a database which stores up-to-date flight information from the airport. If there is no matching flight information when a traveler uses the system, the system must prohibit the traveler from using the system for that flight schedule. The system must provide a way for a traveler to correct or modify the personal and flight information or cancel the process that s/he has submitted. The system must keep track of which baggage belongs to whom. Therefore, the system must be able to produce a unique identification number for each bag. The system shall have a carrier service that shall ensure the baggage is delivered to the airports security system prior to the flight date. The systems carrier service shall track the baggage so that a user may see the status and location of the baggage at any time. The systems carrier service shall provide delivery from the destination airport. The system must warn travelers that their baggage can be rejected by the security system and furthermore must discourage travelers from using the system if they are not confident that their baggage will be accepted. In the case of rejection, the system must notify the traveler the reason the baggage was rejected, the holding location of the baggage, and the next step the traveler has to take. The system shall give the user the option of requesting that the item that caused the rejection be returned or discarded and the baggage be resubmitted to the security system.
Navigation Map
Navigation Map Description 1.Travelers who have membership of our system can go to the Login page to check in their baggage. 2.Travelers who are new to our system can go to Membership Sign- up page to fill the personal information and choose their desire username and password for login our system. 3.Travelers can go to the Check/Modify/Cancel Baggage/ltems/Flight info page to check the status of their baggage or modify their baggage content or cancel their baggage check-in or change the flight schedule on this page. 4.Travelers can go to Tutorial page to be able to learn how to use our system quickly.
User Analysis Discussion: User Profile User characteristics: Our system assumes the users characteristics are novice to the computer but have basic typing skills in order to use our system. User tasks: Users goal is to use our system to reduce the time it takes to check his/her baggage. User must login to our website and provide his/her personal information, flight information and baggage contents via filling in the service forms. User workload: Users workload is very small. Users basically browse our website and follow the instructions to request the baggage check-in service. User also can monitor his/her baggage status by revisiting our websites providing us his/her baggage confirmation number. User environment: Users must have access to the internet and a web browser to use our system.
User Analysis Discussion: Dialogue/interaction style selected Fill-in forms would be best for our projects User Interface. This will be a good choice for our project because of the user characterization and because of the medium for delivery. Since our project will be through web pages and the internet, fill-in forms are a best fit. Menu style is a close second for the user characterization so we will probably somewhat use it in out project, users have to pick the correct hyper-link to choose the actions they want to do (before they get to the fill-in forms). The rest of the options (Q&A, CL, FK, DM, and NL) dont really fit into our project well and they didnt get high numbers on the dialog style table, so we have decided not to use them.
User Analysis Discussion: Task Analysis
User Analysis Discussion: Environment in which system operates Access to system is through web browser Typical environment will be user at home, work, hotel, etc. on desktop or laptop. Other possibilities are web via phone or other mobile device, travel agent, etc.
User Analysis Discussion: I/O device(s) selected and why Input devices selected: keyboard, pointing devices such as mouse. Output devices selected: Monitor/displays from PC, laptop, large-screen display. Reason of selection: Due to our systems is traditional web-based application, input devices and output devices mentioned above are sufficient.
Visual Design: Summary Style Guide CSS file to maintain constant fonts Header: Company name on the left, help and sitemap on the right. Navigation bar divided into 6 sections, blue background with white text links. Company Image. Middle: Left menu, user login, other links and information. Right side is for content. Footer: Table with links, Privacy Notice, Conditions of Use, and Legal Notice. Table with contact information on right.
Visual Design: Any icons/symbols used We didnt use any icons/symbols in our system design. Because Icons/symbols are important for non-web based systems design such as mobile systems design.
Visual Design: Use of Color, fonts, or other visual design Overall colors: blue, gray, and white Font type: Verdana
Home page design, justification of design decisions [Left Menu] consists of … Login Form section Weather Displaying section Signing up link for new user Link for News display Link for Site Search Link to About us page Displays where users can reach us [Main Information Area] All the information will be displayed here. And the baggage related operations are done in this section For the first page(index.html), the new information will be displayed briefly.. [Main Menu] Date/ time: Current date and time will be displayed. Check-In: Start Baggage check-in system View Status: You can check your baggage status. Also, you can perform several operations on your submitted baggage such as cancel process, cancel rejected item and so on. You must login first
Screen Prototypes After click the New User Signup link, it will display the form for users to key in their personal information and select the username and password After click submit button, the form info will be sent and stored.
Screen Prototypes After click the Check-in link, it will display the message here to direct users to login and begin their baggage check in process
Screen Prototypes It will display the name of user after user logged in the system. Here we assume username is 588 Click conf button to conform the personal info is correct Baggage Check-in Process consists of several steps to get users important information. The steps are Personal info, Flight info, Bag info, Delivery and Payment. Each contains a form for users key in their information. [Personal Info] It consists of a form for users to fill in their personal information. The form consists of several textfields to collect the the information from users and a drop down menu for users to choose their state information, the default displayed state is California. HOME is the link to our main page. SITEMAP is the link to our site menu.
Screen Prototypes Display Flight Information form for users fill in their flight information
Screen Prototypes Display Baggage Information form for users to fill in Baggage Size,weight, height,Depth,contents We assume each user can have only two baggage.
Comments/issues/complaints/assu mptions – tools, lessons, plans Tools used: Web programming language:HTML,CSS,JSP,Javascript DBMS: MySql Web Server: Apache Tomcat The assignments where you are supposed to go and draw on a white board or napkin to hash out ideas are harder with remote students on the team. There is much more lag time between discussion and more implementation is required to show the other students what you mean. Plans: 1.Add more help pages to guide the users. 2.Add some animation to the tutorial page.