Art of Ancient Greece
Terms and Stuff city-state -- a polis an autonomous region having a city as its political, cultural, religious, and economic center for example: Athens, Sparta, Corinth or Thebes—remember Antigone a stoa –colonnaded pavilion, open on three sides stadium sanctuaries Mount Olympos Sanctuary of Apollo, Delphi (the oracle of Delphi)
a Mycenaen megaron—the source of the Greek Temple a columned entrance porch an anteroom with a central doorway a living space with a central hearth and four columns supporting the roof around the opening
see page 163 cella or naos pillars/anta may project forward to frame the two columns in antis (the columns are between the pillars) peristyle: the pillars go all the way around the building
The Ionic order has a frieze and a base as well as a different capital. The proportions of the Ionic order are more elongated.
Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi Tholos Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi c. 400 BCE Tholos Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia, Delphi c. 400 BCE
caryatids caryatid