Packet Switch Architectures EE384x Packet Switch Architectures Spring 2012 Lecture 1 Introduction & Logistics Nick McKeown Balaji Prabhakar Special guest appearances: Mohammad Alizadeh
Goals of the class To provide an introduction to the research and practice of packet switch design, including Internet routers and Ethernet switches. To get some practice in the art of reading research papers. It’s a big field, and used to be a two quarter sequence (EE384x,y). EE384y is no longer offered. The new EE384x is less theoretical.
Logistics Lecturers Guest lecturers: One, maybe two experts Nick McKeown Balaji Prabhakar Guest lecturers: One, maybe two experts Teaching Assistants Peyman Kazemian Shuang Yang Web site:
More Logistics Prerequisite Useful Papers Grading EE284/CS144 or equivalent. Useful CS244, Stats 116 (or EE178, EE278), CS161 Papers URLs to all the papers are on the eeclass web page. Grading (40%) 4 Problem sets (10%) Several surprise quizzes (5%) In-class participation (45%) Final project Intermediate project report (May 10th): 10% Final class presentation (20%) Final report (15%) All deadlines are hard!
Contact Whenever possible: su.class.ee384x Quickest response Someone else probably has same question Please don’t send to class list If private: All extension requests must go to Nick or Balaji Office hours and discussion sessions posted on web page
Lectures & Papers In most lectures we will assume you have read 1-2 papers. You must read the papers in depth before class. 5% of grade is for in-class participation 10% for “surprise quizzes” So….please read the papers, be here, participate
Let’s agree: No laptops in class (except the one projecting this!)