Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning Agency and Legislative Update Allison Taylor Indiana Medicaid Director Gabrielle Koenig Government Affairs Manager
2019 Indiana General Assembly Legislative Session Budget session – HB 1001 1,349 bills introduced in 2019 156 total bills assigned to either health committee in each chamber 79 bills assigned to (S) Health and Provider Services 77 bills assigned to (H) Public Health Sine Die scheduled for April 29th
OMPP’s Legislative Process Bill Analysis Examine bills that have any relation to OMPP Determine if there is impact to our program and our position: neutral, oppose, or support Analysis moves through OMPP, then to the agency’s legislative team Program Changes Following session, team inventories bills Notes any that impact OMPP and contacts sections throughout the agency who will have to implement changes
2019 General Session Major Themes Infant/Maternal Mortality Teacher Pay Raise Bias/Hate Crimes School Safety
2019 General Session Major Health Care Themes Infant/Maternal Mortality Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) Mental Health Services and Substance Use Disorder Treatment
HB 1007-Perinatal Care Author: Representative Kirchhofer Requires the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) to establish a perinatal navigator program Requires ISDH to establish guidelines for heath care providers treating substance use disorder in pregnancy 4/18 – signed by the Speaker
HB 1218-Health Workforce Student Loan Repayment Program Author: Representative Manning Establishes a program, a commission, and a fund Provides that the commission shall make student loan repayments, awarded in an amount determined by the commission, to an eligible applicant who met the program requirements during the fiscal year Died 2/25 – failed to advance to House by third reading deadline
HB 1251-Mental Health Matters Author: Representative Davisson Requires Medicaid reimbursement for eligible Medicaid rehabilitation option services provided in a school setting to a Medicaid recipient Sets forth requirements of the program and contracting entities Died 2/25 – failed to advance to House by third reading deadline This is very wordy so after you both discuss today what you’ve decided we can slim it down to bullets and this can be talking points for you if needed. You know this bill a lot better than I do.
HB 1548-Medicaid Advisory Committee Author: Representative Kirchhofer Adds two organizations to the Medicaid advisory committee (“MAC”) to represent health care associations Increases the legislative membership of the MAC by providing for the appointment of six senators and six representatives Requires the creation of a fiscal subcommittee comprised of three Senate MAC members and three House MAC members Requires the MAC to review, study, and make advisory recommendations concerning specified subjects before July 1, 2021 4/18 – signed by the Speaker This is very wordy so after you both discuss today what you’ve decided we can slim it down to bullets and this can be talking points for you if needed. You know this bill a lot better than I do.
SB 8-Study on the Growth of Health Care Costs Author: Senator Ruckelshaus Urges an interim study committee to investigate the factors that are contributing to the growth of health care costs during the 2019 interim of the general assembly Requires a report to the legislative council by November 2019 Died 4/15 – failed to advance by House third reading deadline for Senate bills
SB 394-Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Author: Senator Charbonneau Expands the scope of practice for APRNs in specific situations, such as certifying death records and operating without a practice agreement, as long as certain requirements are met Specifies additional requirements for the Indiana state board of nursing Died 4/15 – failed to advance by House third reading deadline for Senate bills
SB 416-Medicaid Coverage for Doula Services Author: Senator Breaux Provides that Medicaid pregnancy services may include reimbursement for doula services OMPP’s Policy and Program Development team had already received a policy consideration for doulas 4/18 – signed by the Governor
SB 437-School Based Services and Medicaid Author: Senator Zay Provides Medicaid reimbursement for health care services and school based services to specified individuals provided by a school based heath center Provides that the expenditures for funding such a program may only be made if a state plan amendment is approved and if intergovernmental transfers are continuously made Died 4/15 – failed to advance by House third reading deadline for Senate bills Line at the end should maybe suggest what the bill was trying to do ? Sorry this is rough!
SB 480-Medicaid Nonemergency Transportation Author: Senator Becker Sets forth requirements for brokers of nonemergency medical transportation under the Medicaid fee-for-service program Establishes the nonemergency medical transportation commission and sets forth duties Requires FSSA to prepare a report concerning nonemergency medical transportation Medicaid claims and submit the report to the commission before October 1, 2019 4/16 – Senate concurred in House amendments Line at the end should maybe suggest what the bill was trying to do ? Sorry this is rough!
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