Capital Improvements Management Services Department Request for Qualifications: CMR for Consolidated Rental Car Facility (“CONRAC”)- Airport Transit Center Presented by: Aviation Department and Capital Improvements Management Services Department
Project Background Project encompasses the plan and construction of a consolidated rental car facility and other landside facilities. Scope driven by 2011 Airport Master Plan and 2008 Ricondo study. Design Services contract is anticipated to go to City Council February 2013.
Project Objectives Improve customer service Improve air quality, reduce vehicle emissions Enhance operational efficiency Ease terminal curbside congestion Friendly interface between ground and air transport services
Minimum Qualifications Respondent must have demonstrated experience in the following CMR processes: CMR Preconstruction Services CMR Construction Services CMR Contract Sum (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Pricing Experience Experience with Fast Track Construction Projects
Scope of Work Demolition of an existing CUP and rerouting of active lines and support systems Construction and installation of infrastructure to support existing adjacent facilities that shall remain active during and after the project has been completed Grade and prepare site to accommodate fuel delivery and transfer operations Construct access roadway systems and networks to facilitate entry and exit to and from existing and planned facilities Construct and install fuel transfer facilities to accommodate multiple tanks and systems to allow for the storage and transfer of fuel to the QTA Construct a multi level structure, as designed to accommodate the Airport Transit Center Construct parking support areas of the structure to support approximately 2,600 parking spaces Construct a QTA to accommodate vehicle service, wash, fueling operations, building system repairs and replacements and include customary QTA environmental monitoring systems Construct vehicle transport offload areas
Solicitation Schedule Deadline for submission of written questions: January 21, 2013, 4:00 P.M. Responses Due: January 29, 2013, 3:00 P.M. Interviews: February 2013
Required Documents Cover Letter Signature Page Submittal Checklist/Table of Contents Discretionary Contracts Disclosure Form This is a High Profile contract Litigation Disclosure Form SBEDA Subcontractor/Supplier Utilization Form Proof of Insurability and Bondability Financial Statement Letters of Reference CMR Agreement Template and General Conditions Statement of Qualifications
Continued: Evaluation Criteria Experience and Qualifications of the Firm, Key Personnel, and Key Sub-Consultants 40% Local Experience with San Antonio Region Issues and Past Experience with City of San Antonio 10% Proposed Plan 30% Proposed Costing Methodology 20% Total 100%
Submission Instructions 1 Original Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) 12 Copies of SOQ 1 PDF Copy on a CD All documents must be complete and submitted at the Office of the City Clerk by 3:00 p.m. on January 29, 2013.
Award of Contract and Reservation of Rights Conflicts of Interest. Respondent acknowledges that it is informed that the Charter of City of San Antonio and its Ethics Codes, from having a financial interest in any contract with City or any City agency, such as City-owned utilities Respondent is required to warrant and certify that it, its officers, employees and agents are neither officials nor employees of City, as defined in Section 2-42 of City Ethics Code (Discretionary Contracts Disclosure – Form 3 in the RFQ)
Disqualification/Non-Responsive Missing signature page Not responding to SBEDA forms Campaign contributions during black-out period Late submittal
SBEDA Program Lisa Brice, Special Projects Manager for the San Antonio International Airport Award of SBEDA Evaluation Criteria Points SBEDA Ordinance Compliance Provisions (RFQ, Section XI.)