Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Antonio de Lira Power Conversion Department May 22, 2005
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Purposes: Test a QE PS System over Sector 29 Check PS Stability vs. time and temperature Measure Boost PS stability at 15 A Measure Buck PS stability at 10 A
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Boost PS under test Data acquisition system: Precision Zero-Flux Current Transducer (DCCT) 61/2 precision multi-channel DVM Boost PS units 30V/20A
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Bulk PS under test Data acquisition system: Precision Zero-Flux Current Transducer (DCCT) 61/2 precision multi-channel DVM
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Booster Quad 501 PS stability results Mean: 15.184 A Minimum: 15.178 A Maximum: 15.196 A Variation: 0.12 % ∆ Temp. : 11.4 °C Note: Measurements taken on May 13, 2005
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Booster Quad 501 PS Reference stability Mean: 15.200 A Minimum: 15.199 A Maximum: 15.201 A Variation: 0.009% ∆ Temp. : 11.4 °C Note: Measurements taken on May 11, 2005
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS LGPS 1 (Bulk Quad) PS stability results Mean: 10.135 A Minimum: 10.098 A Maximum: 10.188 A Variation: 0.9 % ∆ Temp. : 11.4 °C Note: Measurements taken on May 13, 2005
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS LGPS 1 (Bulk Quad) PS stability results #2 Mean: 10.135 A Minimum: 10.098 A Maximum: 10.164 A Variation: 0.65 % ∆ Temp. : 11.4 °C Note: Measurements taken on May 13, 2005
Sector 29 PS Systems Stability Tests for LCLS Next steps: Measure Boost PS Stability at 10A & 20A Measure the ripple of the Boost PS Measure the current monitor output signal out of the Boost PS Measure the Bulk PS Stability at low current: 20A Measure the ripple current on the Bulk PS