Presenter Name and Credentials Title Workplace Title of Presentation Presenter Name and Credentials Title Workplace
Disclosure Instructions: If you have no conflicts of interest to disclose simply state that in one sentence on this slide. This slide should remain immediately after the title slide. If you do have conflicts of interest to disclose they should be declared on this slide. This should have been included in your abstract submittal to CSHP. If it wasn’t included, contact CSHP immediately or 916-447-1033.
Learning Objectives Instructions: If your abstract indicated that this session was to be accredited for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, the objectives should be separate and distinct, reflecting job roles and responsibilities. If the topic is such that there is no difference in objectives, use a single set of objectives (e.g. Some legislative topics may fit this category.). This slide must appear after the disclosure slide. It is an ACPE requirement that objectives be shown at the beginning of a CE session.
Duplicate this slide for remainder of content
Test Questions Instructions: Create no more than 3 questions per hour of CE. Review questions with attendees in whichever format you prefer. You MUST provide the correct answers to the attendees at this time. This is an ACPE requirement.
References All presenters should obtain written permissions and releases for the use of any third party- produced materials (e.g. cartoons, photographs, articles and tables from published materials) associated with their presentation. Please be aware that this may require several weeks to obtain. All presentations will be made available via the 2018 Seminar conference app.
COURSE CODE FOR CLAIMING CPE CREDIT Directions for claiming credit for all CPE sessions may be found in your Seminar 2018 program book.