Music Andre Gagnon - L’amour Reve Paradise Friendship Reflections Music Andre Gagnon - L’amour Reve . Created for Karen.
Paradise Friendship blossoms in Giving, Receiving and Sharing.
Paradise Friendship Never gives up and remains Faithful through the good and the bad times. . .
Paradise Friendship is having a Shoulder to Lean on and offering a Shoulder to Lean on.
Paradise Friendship reflects Love, Mercy, Compassion, Patience, Honesty and Humility.
Listens with the heart and responds with Understanding and Love. Paradise Friendship… Listens with the heart and responds with Understanding and Love. .
Paradise Friendship Refreshes the Soul like morning dew to a withered vine in the Summers blaze.
Paradise Friendship is knowing just like us others have weaknesses and shortcomings… but focusing instead on their Strengths, and Encouraging, Supporting and Uplifting them.
Paradise Friendship Cares enough to warn others in Love when needed.
Paradise Friendship responds with Trust and Thankfulness.
Paradise Friendship is Committed and Faithful, putting others first regardless of the cost.
Paradise Friendship grows stronger everyday when it has the right focus.
Paradise Friendship is found in a heart of Love and Unity. God is Love and His Friendship is Eternal in Paradise. Please Click To Exit