Induction Rate & Best Practices #ChooseOA: Induction Rate & Best Practices
Introduction Youth membership in the OA has decrease by more than 10,000 in the last 5 years! 11,000 candidates go un-inducted each year The objective of this session is to help teach you solutions to reduce these numbers
Specific Objectives Explain the significance and importance of communicating with and making an impact on newly elected candidates the importance of going through their ordeal and the steps to registration. Demonstrate effective methods and techniques of communication with candidates
Specific Objectives Guide participants in a reflection of their lodge’s current actions, what their lodge can do in the future, and the best practices of all lodges in attendance Enable participants to innovate and improve their lodge’s process of getting candidate’s to their induction.
Why is this Important to You? Induction rate is one of three High Performing Lodge indicators The larger your lodge grows, the more it (and you) can do
Why is this Important to You? Every elected candidate should have the amazing experience of OA membership You can make an impact on your lodge’s growth
Public Recognition The Call-Out
Impact on the Candidate Important step of the membership journey More important than unit election or Pre-Ordeal Public recognition at district or council event First impression Should be solemn and memorable
Execution of the Call-Out Follow national guidelines Choose your ceremonial attire with care American Indian costume should be approved by your lodge adviser and local council Uniforms should be worn correctly, be clean, and look professional Post call-out meeting to discuss next steps
Optimal Communication
General Advice It is (almost) impossible to over-communicate to candidates in advance of their Ordeal Communicate excitement, belonging, and adventure Focus on the why -Discuss the backdater attached in the appendix
General Advice Utilize a backdater Understand your audience -Discuss the backdater attached in the appendix
Communication Methods Post call-out meeting Personalized mailed letter Personalized email to candidate -Post Call Out Meeting Agenda in Appendix -Have Samples of different communication methods (some in Appendix)
Communication Methods Phone call Texting services Social media posts -Post Call Out Meeting Agenda in Appendix -Have Samples of different communication methods (some in Appendix)
OA Unit Reps Communicate names of elected youth Can establish personal connection Can help get them there Effectively train OA unit representatives
Communicating with Parents Make and influence decisions of youth members Send a letter congratulating them on their child’s achievement Explain what the OA is Highlight benefits of OA membership for their child Parent information session
Unit,District,Council Leadership Information to Commissioner Corp Ordeal Presentation at Roundtable Unit Leaders and Committee Chairs plan for their units Detail how the OA creates a positive impact for the District and Council
Personal Reflection
Where are you now? How efficient is your Lodge at inducting it’s candidates? What does your lodge do now? In depth analysis of the causes that lead to the (in)efficiency How effective have you been? Where can you improve? Look at what steps you can take to improve your process What does your lodge do now? - Really emphasize that this should be a hard look at reality and an opportunity for the participants to really think about what their lodge does. The numbers show that only a handful of lodges really do this well.
Best Practices Activity
You are the key to inspiring change!