시스템 모델링 및 제어 부산대학교 기계공학부 한 명 철 시스템 모델링 및 제어 부산대학교 기계공학부 한 명 철
Matters that require attention. Chapter 1. Introduction Matters that require attention. Text Book: Control Systems Engineering, 7th Ed., Norman S. Nise, Wiley, 2016. Only original English text book in class, no Korean translation. All exams in English. Lecture materials : http://rcslab.pusan.ac.kr
What is a control system What is a control system? A control system is an assemblage of many subsystems and plants (or processes) for the purpose of obtaining a desired output with desired performance, given a specified input. Ex) elevator
A History of Control Systems - Liquid-level control (Greeks, 300 B. C A History of Control Systems - Liquid-level control (Greeks, 300 B.C.): water clock - Steam pressure control of a safety valve (D. Papin, 1681) - Temperature control for hatching eggs by Drebbel (17th century) - Speed control of a windmill by Edmund Lee (1745) - Speed control of steam engines by James Watt (18th century) 19th Century: Stability - 1868 J. C. Maxwell’ stability criterion for a 3-rd order ODE - 1874 E. J. Routh’s stability criterion to 5-th order ODE - 1877 E. J. Routh’s criterion for the general time-invariant ODE - 1892 A. M. Lyapunov’s notion on stability of motions 20th Century - 1932 H. Nyquist, stability analysis in the frequency domain - 1938 H. W. Bode, frequency response - 1948 W. R. Evans, root locus technique - 1960’s state space method
What is this?
우리나라 최초의 제어시스템 (기록으로 남아 있는) 자격루 (물시계)의 원리 - 장영실, 김조, 이천에 의해 발명 (세종 16년, 1434년) - 한국 최초의 되먹임 자동제어시스템 - 자동 시보장치 : 물시계에서 기계시계로 전환
Examples of Control Systems Airplane Computer Hard Disk Drive Rover Winder solenoid valve
Examples of Control Systems Video laser disc player (b) Objective lens reading pits on a laser disc Optical path for playback showing tracking mirror rotated by a control system to keep the laser beam positioned on the pits. (c)
System description Antenna azimuth position control system The search for extraterrestrial life is being carried out with radio antennas like the one pictured here. A radio antenna is an example of a system with position controls. © Peter Menzel.
(a) Concept, (b) Layout, (c) Schematic, (d) Block Diagram
Response: Input vs. Output Input and output (an elevator case) Response of a general position control system showing effect of high and low controller gain on the output response
Open-loop vs. Closed-loop
Develop a mathematical model (block diagram) Newton's law Kirchhoff's voltage law Kirchhoff's current law An equivalent block diagram (antenna azimuth position control system)
The Role of Control Engineers The control engineers are found at the top level of large projects, engaged at the conceptual phase in determining or implementing overall system requirements. Broad Area Mechanical, electrical, chemical, aerospace engineering, etc. Biological, social, political, economical systems, etc Home Work #1 (Due date: one week from today) - Solve Problems 2, 10, 18, 21a, 21b.