My name is Angela Thomas Please feel free to email me at anytime at The school’s phone number is 469.698.7474 Remind 101: Please join me!! Take out your phones and send a text to: 81010 With the message @ak73k9
Communication: 2nd grade newsletter weekly via e-mail. Stevenson school wide communication will be sent out weekly via email called the “Bear Necessities.” P.T.A. class coordinators will plan class parties and support special projects in the class. Be sure to include your contact information on the sign up sheet if you want to know how to help or be involved in various ways. Sign up for Billie Stevenson news via Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for the Remind reminders via e-mail or text from your child’s teacher!
Super Hero of the Week **Coming Soon! Each child will have the opportunity to be “Super Hero” of the Week. The teacher will provide a poster for your child to decorate and return on Monday of their special week. Each “Super Hero” will also get to share a science experiment of choice with our class. Please be sure to practice and prepare before they do this during class.
*After recess we have a healthy snack* 7:30-7:45 7:45 8:00 9:15-9:25 10:30-11:15 11:26-11:56 1:15-1:30 3:00 Breakfast in the Large Café Cub Choice is Offered Class Begins Tardy Bell Rings Recess *After recess we have a healthy snack* Specials Lunch Dismissal
Specials Team Schedule This is also my conference time!! 10:30-11:15 PLC’s Tuesday 10:00-10:30 Specials Team Schedule Art PE Music Monday All Teams in PE All Teams Tuesday 4 1 & 2 3 Wednesday 2 3 & 4 1 Thursday Friday
Lunch visitors We welcome parents and guests to eat lunch with their Cub at the tables by the windows in the cafeteria. However, please use this time to spend with your child only. If your child wants a friend to join then you may have lunch with your child at our lunch table. Due to food allergies there should be no sharing of food.
*Please review & initial conduct cards daily C.U.B.S Folder: These will come home every night- please be sure to check your child’s folder for important notes that will either need to brought right back to school or can be left at home. *Please review & initial conduct cards daily Cub Trackers: These will come home every Thursday- please be sure to send the folder back to school on Fridays!
*Spelling Words Nightly *Read With Your Child Every Night *Content Practice Page Will Also Be Sent As Needed!!
Grading: Although I do check all the work that we do, I do not record every grade for averaging. All completed and/or graded work will be sent home weekly. Please be sure to go over all papers with your child.
Grading: If your child is missing an assignment he/she will receive a 1 in the gradebook. You will be contacted, and your child will have 1 week to get the assignment completed and turned in. If an assignment is below a 70 I will schedule a time for your child to come in for a reteach and reassess opportunity. Please initial when this goes home, and return with your child when they’re scheduled to come in.
Grading: Formative assignments (daily work) can be re-done for an 85. This can be done for 3 assignments per subject area per grading term. Summative assignments (tests) can be re-done for an 85. Each test can be re-done 1 time for as many tests needed during a grading term.
Absences & Tardies 8 AM & 10 AM attendance is taken Students have 1 day for every day missed to make up assignments Please call the office when your child will be absent Remember to send a note when your child returns so that the absence will be excused Students are marked tardy if they arrive after 8 AM.
Transportation & Dismissal * A change in transportation must be called in or a note must be sent. Please do not rely on email as I may be out or the server may be down. Car riders: dismissed out back Walkers/Bike Riders: dismissed up front under the porch on the left side of the building (please make sure your child walks his/her bike until off school property). Bus & Daycare: Wait in the cafeteria
Conduct and Work Habits Conduct Card and Coding Work Habits and Coding Dojo Points Cub Cash Classroom Coupons
Time: 9:25-10:30 Our lessons will typically start with the teacher reading aloud to the students. Students will then read independently working on a specific skill.
Time: 9:25-10:30 Guided Reading books will go home weekly. There may be a short assignment sent as homework that will be reinforcing the skills we learned in Guided Reading Groups
Time: 8:15-8:35 Grammar skills be taught during this time. Students will show understanding through their writing. Students will work through the writing process preparing published work for our end of the year showcase.
Spelling is taught according to patterns. Up to 30 words will be sent home Students will be tested on 15 In addition students will be tested on 5 new high frequency words & 1 review word
Time: 8:35-9:15 Students thoroughly enjoy writing through the process We are working to publish work for our showcase in the Spring!
Time: 12:00-1:15 Many skills will be introduced this year including: * Addition & Subtraction with regrouping * Telling time to the minute * Counting coins up to $1.00 * Working with #s to 1,200
Time: 2:40-3:00 This year our focus is Good Citizens in the Community We will also work with maps & landforms We will do an exciting project at the end of the year titled Kid Biz to sum up our study of Goods, Services, and Money
Time: 2:00-2:40 We will cover many skills through investigations including: Science Tools Safe Practices Scientific Method Animals: adaptions, habitats, life cycles Changes & Objects in the Sky Properties of Matter etc…
2nd Grade Swimming the week of September 11th * More info will be coming about further field trips. We’ll be sure to give you plenty of notice in case you would like to join!
Volunteer Opportunities There will be several opportunities to help volunteer here at Stevenson!! Volunteers that I would love to have in my classroom include: Scholastic Book Orders Spelling City P.A.C.K. Parents Join the PTA
Save the Date! 2nd Grade Music Program Tuesday, October 24th