AP ECONOMICS: March 21 Warm-up The economy is experiencing excess inflation. Answer the following: What kind of fiscal policy should be implemented? As a result, what happens to MD (show on money market graph)? Interest rates? Impact on interest-sensitive C and I? Foreign investor enthusiasm (assume Mexican investors)? D for the USD (show on FOREX market graph relative to the MXN)? Value of the USD? U.S. exports? U.S. imports? U.S. net exports? A.P. Economics Learning Target In order to understand how money has evolved over time to meet the needs of people everywhere, I will analyze the different types, characteristics, and functions of money. I will know I have it when I can: (1) differentiate between the use of bartering, commodity money, and fiat money; (2) explain the functions of money; and (3) explain the characteristics of money. --What is Money? (using Worksheet 23.3—HO) --Types of Money (read pp. 234-235) --work on Module 23 HOs Assignment: --read Module 28 --watch Mr. Clifford’s videos (AC-DC Economics)