Neal A. Bowen, PhD Hidalgo Medical Services VBP: Quick Start Neal A. Bowen, PhD Hidalgo Medical Services
Why integrated care?
Why Value Based Purchasing At the worst: Lower costs for payers at the expense of providers, patients, and the system as a whole At the most likely: Refinement of system to select providers of services who can deliver acceptably consistent quality at lower cost At the best: Align incentives with the health care system we deserve Better population health; reduced disparities; better care; happier staff; lower costs Why Value Based Purchasing
How to Integrate? Culture Change Bidirectional Who keeps track of a person’s whole health needs? Who’s in charge? Bidirectional Through Care Coordination Sustainably Policy: Teaming Benefit Policy: BH Providers paid for interventions How to Integrate?
MAHP 2.0
Align Incentives with Goals John Talbot, Jefferson Center for Mental Health 2018
Identify Metrics for Value Access to Care Right Care Level of care; evidence based or promising; responding to patients needs and desires Right Time When needed and desired Right Place Where the person can be – bring services to the person! Coordinate Care Reduce unneeded utilization HEDIS Measures (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) for Behavioral Health Identify Metrics for Value
https://www. thenationalcouncil