Animation title: Your name:
What is the stop motion about? Write a short summary of the film. Include: Who are the characters? What are the important events of the story? Include some images from the animation.
2. Information about the film When was it made? Who was the director/animator? Did it receive any awards? Is it famous or well-known for something?
3. Information about the animation What type of animation is featured? (claymation, object animation, pixilation…) Explain how a movie of this type is created. Insert a picture here of the animation being created if you can find one!
4. Pictures or a clip from the animation Find some images or a short clip that you like from the animation and paste it here. Write a sentence to explain what it shows.
5. Pictures or a clip from the animation Find some images or a short clip that you like from the animation and paste it here. Write a sentence to explain what it shows.
6. Why you choose this animation for your study Explain in at least three sentences why you chose this animation for your study. What about it did you like? Why was it interesting/enjoyable to watch?
7. Inspiration/influences Write in at least 3 sentences how this animation has inspired you as an animator.