Mrs Jenner Miss Jordan will be the other adult working in year 5 Meet the Teacher! Mrs Jenner Miss Jordan will be the other adult working in year 5
Lunches, Snacks and Water School dinners need to be booked online. Healthy lunch boxes are also an option You may like to provide your child with a piece of fruit or a healthy snack at break times. The kitchen also sell fruit loaf for 15p. Bring in fresh water or a drink daily, these will be stored in a drinks box and will go out on the playground at break and lunch times
Homework Children are expected to read 4 times per week and are rewarded for this. Reading records are collected in on a Friday. Your child will have weekly spellings to learn. Given out and tested on a Thursday. Your child will have a weekly additional task to complete this will normally focus on maths or grammar. Given out and handed in on a Friday.
PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday PE Lessons PE will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday Children should have both their indoor kit and outdoor kit in school at all times.
Multiplication Facts Please ensure that your child knows all of the multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 by the time they return in September.
Rewards and Sanctions Everybody at New Swannington believes in praising positive behaviour and hard work! Dojo points Golden Cards House cup Reading Certificates Worker of the Week Prize box
Rewards and Sanctions Red Card System Verbal warning Yellow tick - warning 3 x yellow ticks = red card Red card – for severe incident Red card – child stays in at playtime and lunchtime Phone calls and chats with parents (Red card)
General Reminders Uniform/PE Kit Lateness Home time Photography permission slips Appointments Names in clothes
Any questions?