MOBILE PROGRAMMING Meriska Defriani, S.Komp, M.Kom Introduction Informatics Engineering High School of Technology Wastukancana Purwakarta
Why You Should Learn About Mobile Programming for Android ? If you have the basic knowledge of programming, it will not difficult to learn about mobile programming So many free tools, platforms, and frameworks so you don't need much modal to learn android Android users are increasing so the offered applications also increase Lot of opportunities to find work or make your own start up
Various Programming Languages for Mobile Android : Java, Kotlin iOS : Swift, Objective-C Cross Platform : Javascript, C#, C, C++, Phyton, Ruby
Javascript One of popular programming language among web developers that can be used to create mobile applications One of 5 languages that are sought-after by companies
Javascript The most famous javascript framework yang are Ionic and React Native By using the framework we can publish applications that run on Android or iOS from one source
React Native One of javascript framework created by Facebook The difference between React Native and Ionic: React Native is intended to make a real native mobile applications while Ionic is intended to create WebApp applications React Native will compile applications into native Android and iOS codes while Ionic will wrap applications in a browser
How React Native Work? React Native works by embedding a Javascript file that has been bundled in the application, and running it locally from the application that we created. But we can also put Javascript files on the server and retrieve them when there is a connection. This allows us to update applications quickly without going through the process of submitting to Google Playstore or iOS Appstore. For UI and UX, React Native uses Javascript. For styling, it is almost similar to CSS on the web, but with Camel Case.
How to Install React Native?
1 - Expo Expo is the easiest way to start building a new React Native application. It allows you to start a project without installing or configuring any tools to build native code - no Xcode or Android Studio installation required
1 - Expo Install Node.Js : Open the command prompt : npm install –g expo-cli expo init FirstProject cd FirstProject npm start/expo start Open the FirstProject directory, the application can be modified by editing the App.js file
1 - Expo Install the Expo client app on your Android phone and connect to the same wireless network as your computer. On Android, use the Expo app to scan the QR code from your terminal to open your project. Register your Expo account then Sign In
2 – Native Code Follow these instructions if you need to build native code in your project. For example, if you are integrating React Native into an existing application, or if you "ejected" from Expo or Create React Native App, you'll need this section.
Java SE Development Kit (JDK) https://www. oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) *) jangan lupa untuk setting path jdk pilih Untuk windows 64bit
Install Python melalui command prompt (cmd): C:\Users\ASUS>npm install python Install React Native Command Line Interface: C:\Users\ASUS>npm install –g react-native-cli
Install Android SDK trough Android Studio or independently This tutorial link may help you :
How to Run React Native Project Using Android Device?
Make a Project C:\Users\ASUS>react-native init FirstProject C:\Users\ASUS>cd FirstProject *) FirstProject is the project name and also the directory where the project exist *) open the project directory in drive C and open the aps.js file
Run the Project Connect device with computer using USB cable. Activate Developer Mode and USB Debugging in Android device. Open cmd and run : C:\Users\ASUS>adb devices *)to check if the device has been detected by PC C:\Users\ASUS>react-native run-android
3 – Expo Snack Run the application with Expo Client App in Android Device *)The device and PC must have internet connection