Warm Up # Is it an acceptable practice to target civilians during war, why or why not?
D-Day - June 6, 1944 “Operation Overlord” Workbook pg. 22
Essential Question How and why was the Invasion of Normandy (D-Day) successful?
Who was involved in D-Day? United States VS. Britain Germany Canada
Pictures of Allied bombing damage at Before the Invasion In the days leading up to the main invasion, Allied planes bombed the Atlantic Wall defenses all along the coast of France Pictures of Allied bombing damage at Pointe du Hoc, France
Before the Invasion The night before the invasion, 13,000 Allied troops parachuted behind enemy lines in France They tried to destroy railroad lines and disrupt communication General Eisenhower speaking to airborne troops on the evening before the invasion
US troops in a Higgins landing craft approaching the coast of Normandy What Happened? On June 6, 1944 more than 150,000 Allied soldiers crossed the English Channel They attacked the German military along a 60 mile stretch of the coast in Normandy, France. US troops in a Higgins landing craft approaching the coast of Normandy
D-Day by the Numbers 156,000 Soldiers 11,590 Aircrafts 6,939 Ships Allied Military Casualties 156,000 Soldiers 73,000 American Troops 61,000 British Troops 11,590 Aircrafts 6,939 Ships 13,000 Paratroopers 209,000 Dead, Injured 37,000 Soldiers Died 16,000 Air force died
What Happened? British, American, and Canadian troops sailed from different ports in Great Britain and attacked the Germans together on five different beaches in Normandy, France
What Happened? Soldiers faced intense opposition from the Germans when they landed
What Happened? Many men were killed or injured before they even reached the beaches US troops take shelter behind German “hedgehogs.” The obstacles were designed to prevent Allied landing craft from getting too close to the shores of France.
Why Did It Happen? The Allies wanted to free France from German control They had to first conquer the coast of France so that they could then liberate western Europe and defeat Hitler
How Did It Affect The War? D-Day was the beginning of the end of the war in Europe The Allies were able to liberate France from German control after several months of fighting
Saving Private Ryan (21min)
Invasion of Normandy Read “Invasion of Normandy” (8 min) Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think that allied commanders sent so many men directly a the German fortifications? 2. Would you stop to help a fallen soldier in this circumstance? 3. Do you think the soldier “did his job,” if so what was it?