INTRODUCTION The purpose of the presentation is to provide an overview of what transpired in the 3rd quarter of the financial year (2018/19). The report reflects progress made to date against key strategic objectives and annual performance indicators as reflected in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP). The report is submitted to the Audit Committee; National Treasury; DPME; and the Sport Portfolio Committee for performance monitoring/oversight purposes as prescribed. In some instances, there were achievements even though there were no targets in q3. Such achievements are not included in the overall per-programme performance for quarter 3. Overall achievement 64.3% is based on 18 Achieved/Total of 28 Targets; and not on the average of each programme’s achievement percentage.
Performance in Q3 of 2018/19 – 64.3% 3
Q3 TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED Programme 1: 1.1 Performance assessments moderated for the previous financial year. 1.3. Number of client satisfaction survey reports presented at MANCO. 1.4 Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. Programme 2: 2.4 Number of people actively participating in sport promotion campaigns and events per year. 2.8 Number of people actively participating in organised sport and active recreation events. 2.9 Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level – Annual target is achieved 2.10 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards per year.
Q3 TARGETS THAT WERE NOT ACHIEVED Programme 3: 3.1 Number of SASCOC MOU progress reports evaluated. 3.3 Number of athletes supported through scientific support programmes. Programme 4: 4.2 Number of sport and recreation bodies receiving financial and non-financial support 4.4 Number of Multi-purpose sports courts built. Programme 5: 5.1 Number of community gyms and children's play parks constructed.
Performance TOWARDS THE ANNUAL TARGETS AS AT Q3 of 2018/19 = Estimated 88% achievement 6
ANNUAL TARGETS THAT WON’T BE / ARE UNLIKELY TO BE ACHIEVED P1: 1.4 Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. P2: 2.8 Number of people actively participating in organised sport and active recreation events. P4: 4.4 Number of Multi-purpose sports courts built. P5: 5.1 Number of community gyms and children's play parks constructed.
Progress towards the Annual target: Colours on the left (in performance tables below = progress to annual target & those in the middle = Q3 performance: Green - Already Achieved Yellow – Progressing well. The target will be achieved Red: Won’t be achieved / very likely that it won’t be achieved
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target 1.1 Performance assessments moderated for the previous financial year 100% 85% Level 13 moderated. Level 14, and 15 requires external moderation panelists. Potential panelist are being sought - 1.2. Number of employees trained. 60 20 119 Employees were trained on how to complete performance assessments i.t.o. the new EPMDS. None 10 Note: calculated the percentage (%) of the invoices paid within that particular month using the captured and authorized invoices as we report on the non-disbursed invoices the following month thereof. There is no reason of deviation.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION ACHIEVEMENTS Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target 1.3. Number of client satisfaction survey reports presented at MANCO 1 External Survey 1 External Client Satisfaction Survey Report presented Categories and response rate had to be shared with management before the final report is produced – done on 24/1/2019. Report will be finalized in q4 - 1.4 Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. 100% 99% 1.5 Number of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy Implementation Plan Status Reports presented at MANCO. ICT Strategy Implementation Plan 2018-2020 approved 4 Status reports presented at MANCO None 1 Status report presented to MANCO Note: calculated the percentage (%) of the invoices paid within that particular month using the captured and authorized invoices as we report on the non-disbursed invoices the following month thereof. There is no reason of deviation.
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Active Nation Active recreation programmes implemented. 2.1. Number of recreation promotional campaigns and events implemented per year 5 Youth Camp Big Walk National Recreation Day Unite Campaign Move for Health 3 Youth Camp BIG Walk National Recreation Day None - 2.2 Number of people actively participating in recreation promotion campaigns and events per year 42 864 Participants in the Move for Health (1000) Youth Camp (2 250) Big Walk (28 614) National Recreation Day (10 000) UNITE Campaign (1000) 40 864 Youth Camp (2 250) Big Walk (28 614) National Recreation Day (10 000) 49 158 Mass-based events such as BW and NRD tend to attract more people
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sport participation opportunities provided to communities 2.3 Number of sport promotion campaigns and events implemented per year 3 Indigenous Games Rural Sport Development Programme Ministerial Outreaches 1 Indigenous games 1 None Community Outreaches 2.4 Number of people actively participating in sport promotion campaigns and events per year. 5 136 Indigenous Games-1364 Rural Sport Development Programme-1836 Outreaches-1936 1 364 Indigenous games 1 195 School participants are counted separately 1 936
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: School Sport School sport programme supported. 2.5 Number of national school sport championship supported per year. 1 National School Sport Championship. Summer Camp Summer Championship The championship delivery methodology was changed after engagement with relevant stakeholders None Autumn Championship 2.6 Number of participants in national school sport championships per year. 5 000 - 3 825 There is still the Autumn championship scheduled for q4. The championship will assist in meeting the target for the year 2.7 Number of School Sport Championship Programmes Improvement Plan Status Reports presented at MANCO. 4 status reports 1 Status report
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Quarter 3 Target as per APP Q3 Preliminary Reason for deviation Corrective Action Future (q4 target) Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Sector Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.8 Number of people actively participating in organised sport and active recreation events. 600 000 200 000 104 039 Some claimed performance was not supported with evidence Recovery plans were requested from the provinces 100 000 2.9 Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level. 42 000 15 000 7 125 Target in previous quarters was exceeded, such that the annual target is now achieved None 10 000
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Quarter 3 Target as per APP Q 3 Actual Reason for deviation Corrective Action Future (q4 target) Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Sector Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.10 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards per year. 2 500 1 000 666 Schools: 490 Hubs & Clubs: 176 The biggest provinces such as WC and GP, will only deliver on this target in the 4th Quarter. None 250
PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.11 Number of athletes supported by the sports academies per year. 3 600 1 000 2 624 Academies regularly receive ad hoc requests from Federations, for support of athletes that are not on their database None 2.12 Number of academies supported 35 10 26 Carry-over from poor performance of previous quarters 5
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Scientific Support Scientific support services coordinated for athletes 3.1 Number of SASCOC MOU progress reports evaluated. 4 1 None 3.2 Number of athletes supported through the Ministerial Sport Bursary Programme. 60 25 43 Improved submission of required documentation, by schools 20
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Scientific Support Scientific support services coordinated for athletes 3.3 Number of athletes supported through scientific support programmes per year. 80 20 9 Target already achieved None Government responsibility towards anti-doping supported. 3.4 Number of drug-free support agencies supported. 4 RADO WADA CDA SAIDS 1 2 SAIDS is a repeat payee
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Major Events Support. Major events supported. 3.5 Number of major international events receiving intra-governmental support per year 4 1 2 Support varies depending on the number of requests for support received none Sport Tourism to South Africa promoted 3.6 Number of national and international sporting events, exhibitions or conferences used to showcase SA as a sports tourist destination 1 Status report - None
PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Recognition Systems. Achievements in the sport and recreation sector acknowledged 3.7 Number of recognition and honouring events 5 Sports Awards Ministerial Outstanding Sports Performance Accolades events Andrew Mlangeni Green Jacket Programme Honouring Women in Sport Regional Sport Awards (RASA) 2 South African Sports Awards Andrew Mlangeni Green Jacket Awards None 1 Ministerial Outstanding Sports Performance Accolades
PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Future Q3 Target Q3 Preliminary Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Q4 Target Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers. Good governance supported. 4.1 Number of good governance monitoring reports generated 2 - None 1 Sport and recreation bodies supported. 4.2 Number of sport and recreation bodies receiving financial and non-financial support in an effort to assist them in meeting their transformation targets per year. 60 49 40 Delays in submission of compliance documents by s & r bodies Necessary engagements are being made with the affected s & r bodies 4.3 Number of Sports Trust MOU Progress reports evaluated. 4.4 Number of Multi-purpose sports courts built 12 7 Delays in project site confirmation Note:4.2 Sport and recreation bodies have been urged to change their financial years to be in line with that of SRSA. Most of the sport and recreation bodies have started this process. (information retreived from Outcome 14)
Continues…….. PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Quarter 3 Target as per APP Q3 Preliminary Reason for deviation Corrective Action Future (q4 target) Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers. Transformation of South African sport adequately addressed. 4.5 Number of EPG Reports with comparative and NF-specific information on transformation. 1 - None 4.6 Number of NFs submitting completed datasheets on their transformation. 19 Including Chess SA Chess SA submitted their signed data sheets. The annual target is now achieved. Since the target is for q3, all reports are reported here. Note: 4.6 their evidence is sampled and verified, provided electronically.
Continues…….. PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Quarter 3 Target as per APP Q3 Preliminary Reason for deviation Corrective Action Future (q4 target) Sub-programme: International relations Strategic bilateral relations managed and strengthened 4.7 Number of bilateral engagements implemented. 3 1 None 4.8 Number of status reports detailing multilateral engagements supported. 4 At the time of planning, certain engagements were not confirmed Note: 4.6 their evidence is sampled and verified, provided electronically.
SPORT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT PROGRAMME 5: SPORT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2018/19 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Quarter 3 Target as per APP Q3 Preliminary Reason for deviation Corrective Action Future (q4 target) Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation facility planning. Access to sport and recreation facilities optimised 5.1 Number of community gyms and children's play parks constructed. 10 3 Lengthy consultations None 4 Sub-programme Sport and recreation facility management Technical and management support provided 5.2 Number of municipalities provided with technical and management support. 35
Narrative is attached.