An Inspector Calls Act III
Act III At the start of Act III there is a bitter meeting between Eric and his parents. The Inspector interrupts by asking Eric where he first met Eva Smith and he says the theatre bar. When he met her he was drunk and accompanied her back to her lodgings where he almost turned violent when she wouldn’t let him in. She eventually relented and let him in to make love.
Act III Shortly after that she found out she was pregnant. Eric tried to give her money but she refused because she thought that the money was stolen. When the Inspector asks how much he offered her he replies £50. His father asks him where he got the money and Eric says he got it from the office. His father is angry because Eric stole the money and he can’t pay it back.
Act III The Birlings realise they are all guilty for the girl’s death. The Inspector delivers a speech explaining how we are all responsible for our own actions and for each other – ‘ we do not live alone’. He then leaves the room and house.
Act III After the inspector has gone, Gerald re-enters the room and tells everyone the inspector may not be an inspector at all. Gerald had asked a policeman if there was an Inspector Goole and there was nobody by that name on the local police force. Mr Birling confirms this by phoning the Chief Constable. The characters then consider that the Inspector may have shown them all a different photograph because only one person saw the photograph at a time .
Act III Sheila says that a girl still could be dead so Gerald phones up the infirmary. Gerald tells the others that the hospital confirmed that they hadn’t had a suicide in months. The family then starts to celebrate apart from Sheila and Eric who sit and ask why they are celebrating because all of it could have been true.
Act III During the celebration the phone rings and Mr Birling answers it. He comes back into the room and slowly tells them that it was the police. A girl has just died in the infirmary from drinking disinfectant and they are sending an inspector to question them. The story then ends.