From Here to There – Group Activity Know how to use navigational aids and charts 1. Identify the types of air navigation charts 2. Know how to use air navigation charts
Divide into groups of 3-4 students Once in groups, an air navigation chart package will be provided to each group Your group will be provided minutes to determine a route of flight from Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) Following the planning period, a member from each group will briefly outline to the class their groups route recommendation From Here to There – Group Activity
In your air navigation package your group should have received: IFR High Altitude Charts: H-11/H-12 H-9/H-10 H-3/H-5 H-4/H-6 Standard Departure (copied page for Philadelphia International Airport) Standard Terminal Arrival (copied pages for Los Angeles International Airport) IFR Supplement From Here to There – Group Activity
Using your air navigation package your groups task is to determine an appropriate route of flight from Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). You will need to identify: A Standard Instrument Departure profile from Philadelphia International Airport Transition point to an IFR Enroute High Altitude Chart. Appropriate route of flight (using Jet Routes) from Pennsylvania to California Transition point from IFR Enroute High Altitude Chart to a Terminal Approach point for Los Angeles International Airport. Terminal Approach for Los Angeles International Airport. Instrument Approach Chart for Los Angeles International Airport From Here to There – Group Activity
GROUP PLANNING WORKSHEET (PROVIDED TO EACH GROUP) Group Members: ______________________________________________________ Standard Instrument Departure from Philadelphia International Airport ___________________________ Transition point to an IFR Enroute High Altitude Chart____________________ Appropriate route of flight (using Jet Routes) from Pennsylvania to California____________________________________________________________________________________ Transition point from IFR Enroute High Altitude Chart to a Terminal Approach point for Los Angeles International Airport _____________________ Terminal Approach for Los Angeles International Airport _______________________ Instrument Approach for Los Angeles International Airport ________________________
From Here to There – Group Activity Know how to use navigational aids and charts 1. Identify the types of air navigation charts 2. Know how to use air navigation charts