Member Responsibilities Class Coordinator Training Member Responsibilities The following outlines the responsibilities of Lion’s Heart Members. The Class Coordinator should be familiar with this information so she may answer any questions.
Member Responsibilities Attend at least five of the eight scheduled meetings The LH year begins in May and ends on April 30th First meeting will include an election of Officers for the new year and voting for Torchbearer for prior year Members are responsible to bring community service ideas to the meetings Perform at least thirty (30) hours of community service per year At least five (5) of the thirty (30) hours must be Education Hours will be reviewed during the year by your Class Coordinator to make sure the hours fall within the description of community service Members should wear their Lion's Heart tee shirts at volunteer activities unless the activity dictates otherwise Deadline for logging hours is noon on April 30th. There are NO exceptions to this deadline Members login using Username and Password created at the time of enrollment Member is responsible for maintaining current and accurate contact information on the website If there is a change of address, email address, phone number, etc., Member should login and update their contact information (including changing their Username and/or Password) Members are encouraged to run for Officer positions Each year new officers are elected. This is a leadership position and you will also accrue additional hours as stated in the guidelines for each position. Please review officer positions and job descriptions on website Of the eight meetings, there will always be an early May and an early June meeting. A detailed description of community service is on the website. Education hours must be related to education. Examples include tutoring (but not of a sibling, and not for pay), school cleanups, and school library assistance. Members should enter hours as the year progresses. Encourage Members not to wait until the end of the year to do so. If a Member forgets their Password or Username, they can retrieve it by following instructions on the website. The Username and Password will be sent to the primary email address for the Member. For more information on leadership positions, please see the Officer Training module.
Member Responsibilities Members are prohibited from fundraising Members are expected to act respectfully of others during Lion's Heart meetings and volunteer service If the Class Coordinator feels a Member is not acting respectfully, that Member will be required to have a parent attend the next six meetings and all volunteering activities until the sixth meeting. If a parent is not in attendance at a meeting or during volunteering, the Member will not receive credit for attending that meeting nor be able to log in the volunteer time. If the actions continue to be inappropriate after the sixth meeting, the Member will be resigned from Lion’s Heart immediately. Members are responsible for renewing Membership on line by noon on April 15th A Member can renew their Membership upon login any time between February 1st and noon on April 15th If a Member does not meet the requirements of the prior year of service for Lion's Heart, their dues will be refunded by August 1st. If a Member chooses to resign at any time, dues are not refundable Although Members are prohibited from fundraising, they can participate in fund raising events. Members should refrain from asking for or collecting NEW items (other than food items). There is a discipline policy in place and it is at the discretion of the Class Coordinator to utilize it when necessary. Members can renew membership on line but must do so before noon on April 15th – there are no exceptions. If a member misses the deadline and is in good standing and would like to renew their membership, they can renew membership after May 15th. A Member will then be put on a first come first serve basis list that may or may not put them in the same group as they were before.
Member Responsibilities Members can click on “Forgot Password” if Username or Password is forgotten. It will take you to the screen below. Member needs to enter the primary email address and a response will be sent to that address with the Username and Password Members login to website to enter hours and maintain contact information To login to enter hours or update contact information, a Member goes to and follows the instructions. During the enrollment process, the Member created a Username and Password – this is what they will use to login. The Member may change these at any time by selecting Contact after login.
Member Responsibilities Members login and it will go to this page. To add hours, click “Add New” Volunteer log entry page will appear. Fill in all information and click “Save” After login, Members will have a choice to “Add Hours.” Member should be prepared to enter the date, hours of service, a brief description of the activity, code as community or education service hours, and provide a contact name and phone number for the volunteer activities. Remind the Members to always hit save after each entry and to review their log to make sure entries are saved.
Member Responsibilities Members login and it will take them to this page. In addition to logging hours, other tasks Members can perform on this page include: Update contact information View/Print their group roster View/Print documents for Members Renew Membership Send a group email (not shown) Members can also print their volunteer log by clicking “click to download file” Members must keep their contact information current. The email is used for group mailings. If the wrong address is entered, the Member will not receive Lion’s Heart emails. All Membership renewal is done online. Members may view and print documents, their own group roster and send a group email. Members may also view, print and/or email their volunteer log at any time.
Member Responsibilities Mission Statement Lion’s Heart is a community service organization for teens dedicated to serving the community in meaningful and fun ways. The Lion’s Heart Mission Statement is simple! Lion’s Heart is a community service organization for teens dedicated to serving the community in meaningful and fun ways. Before you begin the next module, please click on Assessment above. Thank you!