Sam Goes Salmon Fishing Avery Locke
Copyright 2011 by Avery Locke All rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying recording or other electronic or mechanical methods. coolguy inc 5612 Amazing Rd Coolville, Texas printed in Texas ISBN#7336734782786
This book is dedicated to my book buddy Sam. Dedication page This book is dedicated to my book buddy Sam.
One nice sunny day Sam went salmon fishing.
Sam got on a plane and flew to Toronto.
Sam got off the plane with his brand new fishing rod.
Sam got on the boat, and he used a hook and worm he caught a trout.
Sam said to his guide Avery “That’s the wrong fish let’s keep trying”.
Sam and Avery put down the anchor and ate some lunch.
Sam got hot and jumped in to the water and went swimming.
Sam used another hook and worm this time Sam used another hook and worm this time. Sam needed Avery to help him reel it in.
Sam and Avery reeled in the fish and Sam put it in the net Sam and Avery reeled in the fish and Sam put it in the net. Sam had caught his first salmon.
Biography My name is Avery Locke. I am 12 years. old I was born in Halifax. I grew up in Shelburne my whole life. I like to go hunting and fishing. I also like to play baseball, hockey, and go swimming.
Comments Allan- I think it’s a very good book. Nathan- I liked it :p. Nate- A really awesome fishing book. Andrew- I really liked the book, and Sam will too. Tatum- I thought it was very creative, and Sam will love it. Josh- it was a good book. I thought it was awesome.