St, Mary’ s Convent Inter College, Manak Nagar, Lucknow, India Man Made Disasters Man Made Diasters A presntation by 7 CVirat Singh Class St, Mary’ s Convent Inter College, Manak Nagar, Lucknow, India
The disaster at Chernobyl The worst manmade disaster in human history Man Made Disasters The disaster at Chernobyl The worst manmade disaster in human history By Virat Singh Class 7 C St, Mary’ s Convent Inter College, Manak Nagar, Lucknow, India
Man Made Disasters Where is Chernobyl? 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Chernobyl Built in 1978-1979 Chornobyl Man Made Disasters 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Man Made Disasters 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Man Made Disasters Background Reaktor Bolshoy Moshehnosty Kipyashiy RBMK, a Russian acronym translated roughly means “reactor (of) high power (of the) channel (type)” It was a reactor cooled by water and moderated by graphite 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Man Made Disasters 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Man Made Disasters RBMK Reactor 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Man Made Disasters Fuel assemblies 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Man Made Disasters 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
Reactor Plant Scenario Man Made Disasters Reactor Plant Scenario As the reaction occurs, the uranium fuel becomes hot The water pumped through the core in pressure tubes removes the heat from the fuel The water is then boiled into steam The steam turns the turbines The water is then cooled Then the process repeats 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
The day of disaster 25 April 1986 01:00 The preparation for the test Man Made Disasters The day of disaster 25 April 1986 01:00 The preparation for the test 13:47 Lowering of the reactor power halted at 1,600 MWt 14:00 The ECCS was isolated 23:10 The power reduction resumed 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
26 April 1986 24:00 Operation shift change Man Made Disasters 26 April 1986 24:00 Operation shift change 24:28 Power level is now 500 MWt and kept decreasing to 30 MWt 24:40 The operator withdrew some control rods 01:00 Power had risen to 200 MWt 01:03 Connecting the fourth main cooling pump to the left loop of the system 200 MWt 01:07 Connecting the fourth main cooling pump to the right of the loop system - this was a violation of NOP Continued to next slide 6/29/2019 Virat Singh 7 C
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